Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 March 1991 — T-shirt design contest open [ARTICLE]

T-shirt design contest open

The Moanalua Gardens Foundation is sponsoring a Prince Lot Hula Festival T-shirt design eontest featuring a $500 cash prize for the winning design. The design should show how hula expresses the relationship between people and nature. Moanalua Gardens Foundation is a non-profit organization that creates and directs programs to foster the understanding and appreciation of the Hawaiian environment and its natural and cultural history.

Eaeh year on the third Saturday of July, Moanalua Gardens Foundation sponsors the Prince Lot Hula Festival in picturesque Moanalua Gardens. The festival provides an opportunity for halau hula to demonstrate their skills in hula kahilo (ancient) and hula 'auana (modern) in a spirit of sharing. Contest rules are as follows: — all sketches submitted must be no larger than 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches. Accompanying written descriptions are optional;

— up to five colors may be used in the design; words to be included are: Prince Lot Hula Festival (primary emphasis), Moanalua Gardens Foundation (secondary emphasis); — include your name, address and phone number on eaeh entry; a cash prize of $500 will be paid to the winning artist. $250 will be awarded when the winning entry is chosen on Apnl 8. Another $250 will be awarded after the artist's camera-ready design is accepted by May 15;

— all entrants will be notified of the results by Apr. 15. Non-winning entries may be picked up. If you wish your entry to be returned by mail after Apr. 15 you must provide a self-addressed stamped return envelope with your entry; — Moanalua Gardens Foundation will own the copyright of the winning entry. — all entries must be received by Apr. 1, 4 p.m. Mail entries or deliver them to: Moanalua Gardens Foundation, 1352 Pineapple Plaee, Honolulu, Hawai'i, 96819. Phone is 839-5334.