Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 11, Number 12, 1 November 1994 — Candidates not in this issue: [ARTICLE]

Candidates not in this issue:

The following candidates in mayoral or state races were either automatically elected because they were unopposed in the primary, or won eleetion in the Sept. 17 primary.They will not be in the November 8 general election: Honolulu Mayor: Jeremy Harris State Senate: • Lehua Fernandes Salling (D) Dist. 7; • Randall Iwase (D). Dist. 18; • Cal Kawamoto (D), Dist. 19; • Mike McCartney (D), Dist. 23; State House: • Dwight Takamine (D), Dist. 1; • Eric Hamakawa (D). Dist. 3; • Bob Nakasone (D), Dist. 9; • Billy Swain (D), Dist. 12; • Bertha Kawakami (D), Dist. 14; • Terry Yoshinaga (D), Dist. 22; • Dennis Arakaki (D). Dist. 28; • Nathan Suzuki (D), Dist. 3; • Tom Okamura (D), Dist. 33; • Roy Takumi (D), Dist. 36; • Alex Santiago (D), Dist. 45; • Ken Ito (D) Dist. 48 (Kane'ohe) • Cynthia Thielen (R). Dist. 49;

Nonpartisan candidates Of the 14 nonpartisan candidates who ran in primary election races, there are only two who received sufficient votes to advance to the general election: Frank Furcini, candidate for Maui Mayor; and Llewella Zablan, candidate for Kaua'i County eouneil. According to state election laws, nonpartisan candidates had to get at least 10 percent of the

total votes cast for the office they were seeking; or to receive as many votes or more than the lowest vote total of a polkieal party's candidate in that race. Four nonpartisan candidates plan to challenge this law: Steve Tataii of the 19th House district; lieutenant governor candidate Jose Pillos; Robert Ota of the 10th state Senate district; and governor candidate Kamuela Kealoha. Their names will not appear on general election ballots.

Did not respond to candidate questionnaire: Candidates in OHA, federal and state Senate races who did not respond to this survey are listed in those sections of this issue. Candidates for state House of Representatives who did not submit responses to our questionnaire are listed as follows: Charles Baer, Jerry Chang (2); Nelson Aguinaldo (7); Joseph Souki, Ervin Story (8); Ezra Kanoho (13); Adrienne King (15); Mark Auerbach (16); Greg Shannon (17); Christopher Walker (18); Robert Peters, Scott Saiki (20); Alfred Roberts (21); Tom Conlon, Jim Shon (24); Ken Akamine, Steven Davidson (27); Emilio Aleon, Rob Santiago (29); Romy CachoIa, Bob McDermott (30), Connie Chun (32); Monte Rae Parker (34); Nestor Garcia, Alex Sonson (37); Ron Arakaki, Ron Menor (39); Loree Johnson, Yoshiro Nakamura (40); Kathleen Holt (41); Annelle Amaral, Arthur Humphries (42); Merywn Jones (44): Reb Bellinger (46); Ken Carlson (50). Candidates were mailed surveys after the primary and given two weeks to respond. A reminder phone eall was also made by Ka Wai Ola O OHA.