Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 February 1995 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

OHA Board Business

Na Kuleana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai

By Ellen Blomquist Public Information Officer Chairman Clayton Hee convened a special meeting oi OHA's board at 10:28 a.m. Jan. 3. Trustee Moses K. Keale Sr. was excused; all other members were present.

All members present approved the minutes of Dec. 8 and the agenda as amended - consideration of a request from 'Aha Pūnana Leo was deferred to a subsequent board meeting. The chairman's correspondence report was also approved by all, with a request from Trustee Billie Beamer that future reports provide more detail on the nature of the correspondence. The report from OHA's admirtistrator, whieh covered inajor items of 1994, occasioned discussion among the members, with particular referenee made to management of the cash account and the evaluation of eontracts. The board members moved to defer the report. New Bu.sine.ss The only item under New Business was ratification of a second deputy administrator position by the board. Administration had appointed Linda Colbum. formerly OHA's eeonomie development officer, to a deputy in charge of programs, with Sesnita Moepono serving as deputy for operations. Board Members questioned whether it was their or Administration's prerogative to create such a position. The board's attorney advised that creating a position of this importance, with the administrative reorganization implied, should be handled by the board, although the statutes did not specifically state whose prerogative it was. After some discussion of referring the item back to Budget, Finance and Policy for review, the board affirmed the position 5 - 3, with a proviso that future positions require board approval, including those submitted to the Legislature, if not funded. Positions unfunded by the Legislature would retum to the board for approval. Budget, Finance and Policy

Kaua'i Habitatfor Humanity. All board members present approved an interest-ffee loan of $1.7 million in trust funds to Kaua'i Habitat for Humanity to deffay construction costs of building 100 homes for low ineome native Hawaiian families on Kaua'i (see story page 1). Waiāhole Ditch Water. The board members approved $96, 250 ffom the OHA Native Hawaiian Rights Fund to support legal counsel, expert witnesses and related expenses for representing OHA and native Hawaiian rights in contesled case hearings pertaining lo water controver- _ sies and the Waiāhole Ditch Water. Interactive Cable Show. The board members approved the expenditure of $12,000 in Ka Wai Ola advertising revenues to produce and promote a eall-in show about OHA on 'Ōlelo cable access. FY95 Funding Grants, Subsidies. Purchase ofSer\'ices, and Donations (GSPD). The board approved 6 - 1 (Akana dissenting, Akaka absent) the continued on page 14

Board Business from page 1 1

appropriation ot 51 million īn trust funds to supplement the GSPD program. Budget Finance & Policy and Legislative Review The board approved 8-0 introduction of OHA's legislative package to the 1995 Legislature (see page 6). Announcements Trustee Beamer expressed the need for all board members to meet to discuss OHA's involvement with the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council and clarify individual trustee's roles versus OHA's with regard to it. Trustee Samuel L. Kealoha Jr. announced his intention to give every sovereignty group the opportunity to express its mana'o to the Education and Culture Committee, whieh he chairs. Trustee Kamali'i endorsed the idea of all committees traveling throughout the state and suggested that the fomm for sovereignty groups be a joint Education and Culture and Land and Sovereignty meeting. JANLIARY 12 Chairman Clayton Hee called a special board meeting to order at 10 a.m. AU members were present and approved the agenda and the minutes of the Dec. 2 meeting. Budget Finance & Policy 'Aha Pūnana Leo lne. The board unanimously approved a $2. 1 million grant to 'Aha Pūnana Leo ine. to acquire the former Henry 'Opukaha'ia school on Hawai'i island, to be used for a Hawaiian language immersion intermediate and high school (see story page 1). 1995-1997 Biennium Budget Request. The board approved 7-0 (Trustees Akana and Keale absent) the 1995-1997 budget request to the state Legislature. The request was based on a no-growth policy, meaning the base budget approved by the Legislature for the current fiscal year 1994-1995 with a request for a general funds match for positions previously approved by the board. The board also approved separate measures requesting reimbursement from general funds for half collective bargaining increases granted OHA staff, and requesting $471,299 in matched funding to make up a shortfall in salaries and new hire adjustments. The board also added that all positions and programs not approved by the Legislature will return to the Budget, Finance and Policy Committee for reconsideration and recommendation to the full board. Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council The board members present approved the appointment of new members Lehua-Nani B. K. Cortez and Joanne K. Sterling to the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council. Current members Fred Cachola, James Lee, and Robert "Lopaka" Mansfield, Jr. were reappointed by the board.