Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 8, 1 August 1996 — UNPO Hawaiʻi visit [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

UNPO Hawaiʻi visit

bv Samuel Kealoha Jr., Trustee Moloka'i, Lāna'i By the invitation of Ka Lāhui Hawai'i, a fourmember mission from the Unrepresented Nation and Peoples Organization (UNPO) has eome to our islands. UNPO is an intemational organization stationed at The Hague whieh currently represents over 125 miUion neople throughout

the world. UNPO's main objective is to provide a voice for indigenous peoples, minorities and occupied nations who do not have a seat at the United Nations. UNPO is made up of member representees such as Tibet, the Lakota Indians, Rwanda, etcetera. I take great pride to inform you that Ka Lāhui Hawai'i was accepted as a member to UNPO in 1993. The UNPO mission, while here in Hawai'i held 3 days (July 1 - 3, 1996)

of hearings. The purpose of this UNPO mission was to review and investigate the Native Hawaiian Vote, the Apology Bill (P.L. 103150) and the poIitical. social and eeonomie conditions of our people. TTie UNPO mission provided Hawaiians with an opportunity to address their eoncems through oral and written testimony. The findings of their investigation will be distributed throughout intemational, national and loeal arenas to broaden and heighten attention of the Hawaiian struggle. This significant event took plaee at the Church of the Crossroads in Honolulu. Testimonies were presented by many Hawaiians, including OHA Trustees Beamer, Akana and myself. Also presented, were testimonies from representatives of different sovereignty and community organizations.

All of these organizations were sent invitations to give testimony, including the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council (HSEC). HSEC however, decided not to show up, citing that they were "not given enough time" to prepare and that they "did not receive the fax" that was sent to them on June 5th from the UNPO office in the Hague. They questioned the "credibility of UNPO" because of Ka Lāhui Hawai'i's membership. They are just a huneh of arrogant cry babies! On Monday, June 1, 1996 UNPO went to the HSEC office where they were met by only one eouneil member. Allen Hoe. The meeting with Mr.

Hoe did not last long because, the spiritual "kahuna" of HSEC, A'o Pohaku "Stonehead" Rodenhurst entered the meeting area yelling to the UNPO delegation, "Nazis go home!" The next day at the Church of the Crossroads, Rodenhurst and her tribal naūon of Kū with her bullhorn in hand. demonstrated on University Avenue at whieh she exhibited her same spiritual nonsense that was displayed the day

before at the HSEC office. What ensued thereafter was her vociferous screams, insisting that she and her tribe be allowed into the UNPO press eonference that was taking plaee inside the building - demanding equal time with the press. UNPO decided to extend their stay in order to accommodate HSEC. On July 8, 1996, Monday morning at 9:30, HSEC agreed to meet with UNPO at their (HSEC) office. At the outset,

HSEC continuously drilled the UNPO delegation with questions attempting to discredit UNPO's renowned reputation. Hayden Burgess, HSEC commissioner, noted that UNPO was not recognized by the UN. If this is the case, why did Mr. Burgess continue to carry on with paranoiadriven questions and a defensive posture? The HSEC commissioners were very. in fact, extremely defensive to questions being asked by UNPO delegates. For three hours they whined and complained that all of their problems were brought on by Ka Lāhui Hawai'i. How ean a grass-roots organization such as Ka Lāhui be able to give this state agency, HSEC (who has an operating budget of l .8 million dollars) so mueh grief? If HSEC truly believed that their process is OPEN, DEMOCRATIC and FAIR, then why respond in such an apprehensive manner. One ean surely conclude, after hearing and seeing HSEC's response and behavior to Ka Lāhui eoncerns, that the exact opposite of HSEC's response is true - Ka Lāhui criticisms are very valid. The shameful display of arrogance on the part of the HSEC and its eouneil members was an absolute embarrassment, especially after viewing three eouneil members, sitting at the table reading the moming paper throughout the hearing. All the while the ehainnan of HSEC is sitting, trying to look dignified, but at the same time looking stupid and unprofessional.