Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 10, 1 October 2019 — OHA renames and expands Congressional Fellowship [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

OHA renames and expands Congressional Fellowship

Akaka fellows with current Congressional staff, OHA staff, and former Akaka staffers at the renaming ceremony for the , Daniel K. Akaka Congressional Fellowship in Washington, D.C. - Photo: Courtesy

By Office of Hawaiian Affairs Staff The Oftice of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) held a dedication ceremony last month to officially rename the Native Hawaiian Congressional Fellowship to the Daniel K. Akaka Congressional Fellowship. Expanding the legacy of the first Native Hawaiian United States Senator, the third cohort's original three Akaka Fellows were joined by two more promising young leaders. The fellows have commenced with their highly coveted placements on Capitol Hill, such as in the offices of Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI), Senator Mazie Hiiono (D-HI), and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI-2). In addition to the five current fellows, three members of the previous cohort of Akaka Fellows work in Washington, D.C. — two of whom are full-time Congressional staffers: one in the office of Congressman Ed Case (D-HI-1) and the other at the United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. The third former fellow currently shapes federal policy through digital organizing and campaign strategy. "Senator Akaka was a powerful and unique voice for Native Hawaiians throughout his many years of service. It is fitting that the Congressional fellowship be named in his honor as its recipients continue his legacy of ensuring Native Hawaiian voices are present in critical conversations that directly affect the Hawaiian community and the entire state," said Senator Schatz. "I have been fortunate to participate in the OHA DC fellowship program for eaeh of its cohorts, and thank OHA and Kamehameha Schools for their commitment to this program," said Senator Hirono. "In the wake of this year's recently conducted diversity survey of Senate staff, it is clear that the Senate, and likely the entire Congress, ean improve representation of all our indigenous people, especially Native Hawaiians. Separately, ensuring that individuals interested

in empowering the Native Hawaiian community are provided the opportunity to learn about federal policy and how to engage at | the federal level is an important priorP ity for me and will be impactful for the k Native Hawaiian | community as they eonhnue to explore, among other things, ■ self-determination. I look forward to continuing this important partnership." "Through the Congressional Fellowship program.

sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) and Kamehameha Schools, I have had the privilege of having emerging 'ōiwi leaders serve Hawai'i as members of my team", stated Congresswomen Gabbard. "They work on substantive legislation, provide insight into matters of importance to the Native Hawaiian community and on the issues before Congress, all while learning the inner workings of the Federal Government. Senator Daniel Kahikina Akaka was a dear friend and a mentor. He dedicated his life to serving the people of Hawai'i and this country through the military, as an educator, and in the Halls of Congress. Mahalo to OHA and Kamehameha Schools for their continued commitment to this program - now named in his honor - and keeping the spirit of aloha and service that Senator Akaka embodied alive in the generations of Native Hawaiians who follow in his footsteps." "The Akaka Fellowship recognizes and honors the importance that Senator Akaka always placed on education, for not only advancement but its own sake" stated Congressman Case. "Both before and throughout his long service in Congress, he was first, and always, an educator. He would be very proud and humbled at this recognition of his life's work. But even more, he would be excited for the next generations of Native Hawaiian leadership, especially in public service, that were, are and will be enabled by this fellowship. Elected public office is among the highest responsibilities and honors in our democracy, and Senator Akaka would especially encourage and weleome his fellowship starting those next generations down that path." The late Senator Akaka served for 14 years in the U.S. House of Representatives and another 22 years in the U.S. Senate - the whole time living and serving his eommunity with aloha. During and after his time in Congress, he ensured Native Hawaiians were not only actively involved in the conversation, but also had a familiar Native Hawaiian voice advocating for our issues. With the recent passing of

our beloved Senator, it is more important now than ever to eonhnue to invest in sending strong voices to Washington, D.C. That is the mission of the Daniel K. Akaka Congressional Fellowship and why OHA's Washington D.C. Bureau prioritizes supporting the fellowship program. Since 2017, Kamehameha Schools and OHA have partnered to fund and operate the fellowship program, whieh has seven alumni and five current fellows. The Akaka Fellowship is successfully ensuring that Native Hawaiians are in positions to meaningfully exercise self-determination by assisting in the creation of federal policies and programs that affect the Native Hawaiian community with the OHA Washington D.C. Bureau's hands-on support, guidance and training. Six of the seven Fellowship alumni continue in federal-related advocacy, with the seventh currently pursuing a graduate degree. Fellows spend nine months working in a Congressional office and receive mentorship on federal policy, professionalism and advocacy throughout their time in Washington. Fellows develop a network that will serve them in both Hawai'i and D.C., ensuring that those who are interested in remaining in D.C. are well-equipped to begin a career in federal policy. Those interested in applying to the Akaka Fellowship should visit www.oha.org/dcinternships, follow OHA on social media, or eall OHA's D.C. Bureau at (202) 506-7238 to learn more. ■