Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 4, 1 April 2021 — O'ahu Neighborhood Board Elections Kiek Off on April 23 [ARTICLE]

O'ahu Neighborhood Board Elections Kiek Off on April 23

By Aliantha Lim, OHA Community Outreach Advocate Get ready to vote for your 20212023 O'ahu Neighborhood Board members! The island-wide, completely online election begins on April 26 and ends on May 2 1 . If you are a registered voter, you will receive a passcode in the mail whieh will allow you to vote online. Online voting is simple and easy to do and will take just a few minutes to complete. To learn about your candidates, visit the Candidate Profiles page at https://www2.honolulu. gov/nbe/candidateprofiles.php and select your district. There are 33 Neighborhood Boards on O'ahu that meet monthly and serve as the first line of support and information for residents with community concerns. It is also a meehanism to empower everyday people to make an impact on important issues facing our

community: land use, puhlie safety, infrastructure and de velopment, puhlie heahh, and water and natural resources planning, to name a few.

Native Hawaiian representation is needed at every level and in every aspect of government and decisionmaking in Hawai'i. We need to advocate for our 'āina, culture, and Kānaka, and electing the best representatives for eaeh neighborhood ean support that. Go to http://www2.honolulu.gov/nbe to select your next neighborhood board representatives. Be sure to vote early but before you do, use the online "candidate profile" tool to learn more about the people who will be making decisions in your neighborhood for the next two years. ■
