Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 6, 1 June 2021 — A Vision for the Future Part 1 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

A Vision for the Future Part 1


With the closing of the 2021 legislative session, we look back at one of the most divisive bills that did not make it out of eommiītee. SB1334 would have allowed the Oflice of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) to build up to 400 feet on lots E and I and allow residential housing on those parcels. It eame as no surprise that this measure met with fierce op-

position from the community and within the legislature. There are many things that do make sense regarding why OHA would seek to do this type of project in Kaka'ako Makai. If affordable housing for our people is a priority for OHA, then Kaka'ako Makai is not the plaee to pursue that. It would be cost prohibitive to build affordable housing there. Market rate housing would make sense; the magnificent views that would be afforded to those projects could be marketed - no one would ever build in front of those views, making them extremely valuable. That is a great thing for market sales whieh would make those buildings anything but affordable. Eaeh of those two parcels also bring their own challenges. Lot E, whieh is 60 years old, is full of asbestos and will be costly to demolish; lot I has a coral wall on it whose historical value has yet to be determined and may not be eligible for demolition.

That being said, here is one trustee s vision of what could be. Everything I am about to start mapping out for the reader has already been agreed to by the other parties that would be involved, at least, in concept. Seven of the 10 lots in Kaka'ako Makai are available for development immediately: lots A, B, E, G/F, I and L. Lots C, D, K still have terms left on their respective leases. Lot A is the single largest pareel. and a nartnership between a

major restaurant ehain with Hawai-ian-themed concepts throughout Hawai'i and California - and an influential businessman in the surf industry - has been developed. A new and innovative concept restaurant whieh would be the first of

its kind, celebrating the contributions of wāhine to the surfing world, and a worldclass surfing museum is envisioned for this parcel. This businessman already has commitments from every major surf industry company. The Howard Hughes Corporation has already made it clear they intend to build a skywalk over Ala Moana Blvd. Having this walkway eome across ffom their new development straight to this property provides many benefits to both parties. It eliminates the barrier of Ala Moana Blvd, provides additional parking options for the restaurant and museum, and provides quick and safe access for Howard Hughes projects to the beaches. Imagine, "Rell's Plaee" - in reference to the Queen of Mākaha - and world-re-nowned Native Hawaiian water woman Rell Sun, as part of the Eddie Aikau Surf Museum. We will continue with Lot B next month, stay tuned ■

Brendon Kalei'āina Lee Trustee, At-large

Map of Kaka'ako Makai. The shaded lots outlined in red are owned by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. - Photo: Courtesy