Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 3, 1 March 2023 — April 3 Deadline to Submit Kalima Settlement Corrections [ARTICLE]

April 3 Deadline to Submit Kalima Settlement Corrections

By Thomas Grande, Esq. and Carl Varady, Esq. Class members in the Kalima v. State ofHawai'i settlement were mailed their Second Claim Notice in January. Class members must submit any corrections by April 3, 2023. You may download a copy of the correction forms at www.kalima-lawsuit.com. • Class members who have delay claims ean correct their start and end dates by submitting a Claim Correction Form. • Class members with construction defect claims ean submit additional information about their claims by submitting a Construction Correction Form. • Class members may not submit new claims. Please mail the correction forms to Kalima Claims Administrator, P.O. Box 135035, Honolulu, HI 96801. Your corrections must be postmarked by April 3, 2023 to be accepted.

Relatives of Deceased Class Members - Please Provide Information Over 1,100 class members are deceased. Their settlement payment will go to their heirs, including spouses, children or other beneficiaries. If you are a relative or beneficiary of a deceased class member, please fill in an Information Request Form to provide complete information about heirs. Please go to https://kalima-lawsuit.com/Request to fill in the form online, or eall 1-808-650-5551 OR 1-833-639-1308 (Toll-Free) for a form to be mailed to you. Attorney Talk Story Please attend the monthly Attorney Talk Story Zoom Sessions. We will focus on probate and other issues at our next session, Tuesday, April 4, 2023 ffom 5:00-6:00 p.m. Join the meeting online at https://hawaiianhome-steads-org.zoom.us/j/83566826336. You may eall the following number and enter the Zoom meeting ID when prompted if you want to participate by phone. Phone: 1-669-444-9171; Meeting ID: 835 6682 6336.«