Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 February 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Accn>ENT.—We leam "tliat/Bis3iop \Villis iuct with a painlul accidcnt kbfc week in"bei s ng thrqwn from his horse. Fortūnately no bones were broken a-nd he is now rapidly recovering. . Tiie Bark D c C. Murī{ay arrived at ban Fnuicisco Feb. 4th, 17 days from this port, and was lo be cornmanded by Capt. Fuller, while im vessel, | the Comet, it is said will bc.taken off tlio line and put into thc servicc. The Dal t ntless. —Thi§ fine new schooner built ahd owned by Capt. Wm. Berrill, arrived last Thursday, after a spleudid, though ]>oistcrous passage of 54 days from Sydncy. She was built from a model by Daniel Foster, Esq., of this city, and'— though plain in finish—is substantially built to prove a lasting credifc alike to mode!er and builder as she is the of her owner. Ni;w Bremen Pacicet,—The new Hawaiian bark Kale, named after the esteemed head of the honse to whom she is consigued—J. Charles Pflugcr—is now 124 days out from Wcst llarttepool, with a eargo of coals for t)iis port, and may be looked for shortly. She is comnmndcd by Capt. Geerken, formerly master of the bark A. J. Pope, when in the same iine. Mass Mksti3s t g.—A number of nativcs and a few foreignei's assembled at the Kaumakapili JJhurch, un Monday .evening of last week, to takc action—a (a Chamber Vommerce■ —on the qucstion of tlie day. They totally disapprove of llis MajeBty visiting Washington, as ahis bcfore him had vlsited foreign lands and liad not returncd and thcy feared a like result. A committee was | appointed to wait on Ilis Majesty with a mimoj rial to that eflcct, whieli was prceented on Tues- : day. j. Artists.—lt is a pleasure to weleome any new industry to our waning country, and especially such comes with organized system. We have lately had an arrival here of a troupe of artists; not artists in cork, nor artists m oil, but arlists in gypsnm, and who arc of that accommodating nature that will moukl or chisel you out a patron saint or a bully fireman. lt is quite a relief to the eye to gaze onee more on these image sellcrs as tney peddle their wares through our streets, and remind tis of other days ; and then too it is a relief to them when you buy thc specimens of their irKlustry and also a relicf to your poeket when you pay fbr ifc, and so it ])ecomes a rclicf all around. -— v N:arko>y EscArE t -—Last Tuesday lbrenoon % horse ānd carriagc with a little four-ycar old ehild therein, was leisurcly traveiing up Fort street, and after going abbut a block and passing a number of persons, was starting on a trot when two nativcs ran after it and arrcsted it, while all werfe lookingaround for theparentof thechild and driver. This is a little further carryingoufc of an almost every day occurfiiicc in tlils city whcre thc parent~oftentimcs the uiother—driving oufc with one or more childrcn to do some shopping, Bteps into the store aiid leavcs thc reiiio īn the hands of a child who just old enougli to danglc the rcigns suflicijcnt to start any horse wii6 had secn o&ts. Thāt there has bccn no seiiqus from this praciicc speaks volumcs for our horscfc, .but not so ipueh for such dri\ci>. Thcro is such a tjetiipting Providencc too, lar T and at thc hcst a Ilyrse kji dun£ei'ous thing 1 »r t«afcty. v> - | \

DepaktCke^.—The flcamcr T(u*ior touk ;away a large number qf passeiigors lVoni our 1 midst, *some to settle in other tiind3,.and ofchcrt* on business 1 1 , sh'<»'t'ly. Tkc man\ " ftiends e gf Rev. G. M.ason will regrcfc, for theii own sakes. to learn that lie hās ]eft u& to aeeepl ,a eall io'one of the Sau Francisco churchcs.

Two nighls sincc tlie ooniei' of llulel and Kichard streetH was a)'ouycd by a eook erying " haul in !" A ciwd r|ished for the plaee and found this noisy eook eollared by liis misUess for haviiig.difiturbedJjer.peaeQ, and so he was "haulcd in hy the poliee. Sean Mag says thut thu poliee got the wron«; sow bv the car, and thereby hangs a tale.