Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 February 1873 — Obituary. [ARTICLE]


M. llaplee I i akindlj pleaaiuii man. We kuew him in thc firsfc yonr we eaine t<> the jslands; and we oftcn IntercFianged kindi v views \vith him daring lns last da}'B., We mibs his face 111 the Btrcets." Whafc a sad tl)ins to mis<s •.••••• ;0- . a familiar face at the wonted placcs. It takes away a part of our own lives to miss Uioee U'hom we have known eo many years, and seen evcrv day.! Kindly rerncinbranccts to the meinory yf M. Raplee. ;