Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 May 1873 — Toleration. [ARTICLE]


A correspondent sends us a eommuniealioii on this eubject, for whieh we lvave not epaee. Ile gays that u men deeire eonipamone in tbeir ereede, as cbildren do in ihe dark, from a eense of feeblenees and danger. Bufc no one to a ereed has anj wish to be taught bj anj one edueated In the broad sunlight of reason ov eommon sense/ % On leaving the yessel when arriving here, he was met by a " rnethodical !ōoking individuaV who thrust upon hini religious instruetion 4 and he says that this u methodieal man was the eounterpart of whafc he I)ad mefc on other shores; eo mueh alike, thafc he seemed to he the same individual, who was aoting here as a "Kanaka Pope/* and as a "Pai Mairive-' among the Maories, And he sajs that this eharacter sows ft diseord and division among the Maories; ,? and does nofc promote reiigious toleration, and peaee andgood will to all.