Nuhou, Volume II, Number 12, 22 August 1873 — Go It Alone. [ARTICLE]

Go It Alone.

■ ■ by saxe. a game muoh ia fashioD—l iliink it ? s eallea Ei*chr»\ (Though 1 never have played it, for pleasure or lucro,} la whieli, when the cards are in ; cftrtam cdGditioD?j The players appear to have changecl tteir-'positior?j And one of fchera cries, in a confident toiiē 5 ; 1 thxnk I may ventuire to go it alone !" While watching the ■ tis a whini of thc barJ's \ moral to draw from that skirmish of cards, And to fancy he flnds lin the trivial strile $ome excellent hints ior tlie Battle of Life, Where—whether the pme l»e a ribbon or throne— The winner is he who ean " go »t alone ! v When great Galileo proclaimed that the %vorM ! a a regular orbit was ceaseīessly whirled, Apd got—not a convei»t—for all of his pains, Bi\t only derision and prison and Chains, ■ 11 moves, for all thatwas his ,answering tone ? "?or he knew, like the Earih, he eouM "go ita!one !" When Kepler, with piercing afar, IHscovercd .the la\v of each planet and !>tar 3 And doctors } who ouglu to have lauded his nauit\ J>erided his learning and blackened his fame, I ean wait ;» he replied, u till the truth you siiall ,ovvu "or he felt in his heart he could " go it alone !" There-s sometliing no doubt, in the liand you may hold : 3īealthj feuiilyj«cultute s witj,beauty am} gold, The fcrtunate owner iiiay regard As, eaeh in its way, a|most excellent card ; Vet fche game may be-lost, with all these for yourown, Cniess you ? ve the courage to go it aloiie I" n battle or whate¥cr the gamc # la law or in love, it ever thc ?n t!te for powor, or ihe Wrambkj peh, lot this be your motto— Vl Hely on your«ēn For, whether ihe pri»e be a t»bboti or ihrouc % The vjctor is he w »\o < an " go it a\om m : [Wemettbe authoi of the above \ovig $eai> ago 011 eimmplahi. We derived niueli inspiratleu fron» the magnetiom of hk soul \ihl woivJs f mve often promptt.d us t when Joplr ought to ! -te been our gue€t, to eall iu liope, t: go it 1 :