Nuhou, Volume II, Number 24, 17 October 1873 — Waiting for the D. c. Murray. [ARTICLE]

Waiting for the D. c. Murray.

No Murray," is tbe deepondent espresfcioD of every lowneman jou nieet in the etreet, who fcae ( correepondence and intereet6 abroad. We . faave felt so keenly in eympathy with the general ansiety, that from dimmest dawn till the deepening ehadee of eve we have watched from our balcony, or from the look-out tower of the Hotel, for 6ome eigns of the wiehed-for eail. Like u Sister Ann ■' watching for the espectant horeeman that ie to reprieve her ead and haplees ei£ter, eo bave we watched with the anxiety of the bethrothed lover, of the faithful parent, thedear friebd, the buej merchant, and the anxious plaiiter wiehful to eee a return that ehall ehow him eome little margin to cut down hie twelve per eent. We have watched the dim and dietant telegraph pole, but its arme hang idly by ite eide ; its baimer will not wave, and as we go to prees there ie no eail. j j.Le D. C..MurrQy> our pnly packet, is now j abeeLt thie port.sT daye.