Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 25 November 1873 — "Keep Throwing Mud. [ARTICLE]

"Keep Throwing Mud.

So that 6omc mav ?=tīclis* ,? i? a fayorite polley -A - certaiD grade of foreign polUieiaw?, wLen tbej feel that they cannot sub<3ue ati oppemenl superior argument. Thu* a Butler vrhvii L* cannot eombat a Burke ou i : . eoustītuti«jrml tion -wil! trv v/ to put him do\vn l.»y īoine ai.eleoi record of ®urke'e courting Or perhaps Butler does not wish tp show his hand, a? liit animus wouldbe sugpepted, and ;:e puts up ;« job in a pettifoggerV hauds who i< uot at a kefco find all the perjurj that he need?. Xow it i> apparent that we have eoine of that dlrtj p-liue?/ schooi in these islands. We have who dread our discuseion ; who uo not dare t attempt an opposition by fair argumeiit ; wL.? will not fight like honorable warrlor> ; but s,-i-k . ehanee .to_gtab in rrr wlll 1 -.une up es - ploded revani)> old rc.-niT odead Hes, and try to throw all the mui.l tlīey in the liope tiu\t «iay stiek, und s j f.;r injure our iniluenee. But we know the w* jrks o " iheee undermining gophev<, wvA nre \v.-A\ o 5 e for them \vithout gloves.