Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 16 December 1873 — HIS MAJESTY [ARTICLE]


tu enjoy- the salubrlouH air of Kailua, and we hcar of 110 change in the rojal health. s But we lcarn that the King desiring the so!ace of thc admirab!c niuaie, whieh this commnnity ratlicr uirappreciatievly enjoys has ordered Mii. BEKGER AM) TI!E 3JAND To proeecd to the royal sojoimi on'llawaii, to enliven the haunts of the aneient chiefs \vit!i the Bweet music of Beethoven } Strauss, and MendelĀ« sohn, so esqniMtely rendered ]>y Hawaiian hands ' aml lips under the direetion of the aMllful Piussian maestro. We tegret by the way to that probably Mr. Berger on his return from Kailua after Christmag will leave U8 for a while to take a conge abroad. We shall miss his baton that has eYoked so niueh delight for our ears, but he no doubt needs and deseiTes a holiday.