Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 16 December 1873 — Hard Times Indeed. [ARTICLE]

Hard Times Indeed.

iSot r becauB(f ; sugar, cojflTee, ricc, pulu, or wool and goat won*t grow; but beeause our j brofcherB ol San Franei6C9 eat up.all our inargiu. | We send a shjpment an4 we %ure up at home, eo manj kegs at so mueh ; but bj George, wlien woget our we luwe not mueli more lc£t | tban the of fclie boope on our packages. |Son FranoiBeo;dutie6 and charges literallj go tlie whole—kcg. |But those heatheu ColouisU give us fifteon oonts Fok pulu , and eix or 6>even for sugar, \ and thon they let the uiot?t of the tswag eonie j home. Let gct ouv productīve j accoinaiodated; with a nionej at a low rate, aud I on long tinie ? and thcn we eau ehooee our market jand our timo, and we will get a fatr return for our produec, and havd times will disappear.

| Coloitlcl Kalakaua, eoi»tjiuud of His Maje£iy, iu ai:eovci;uice >vlth hls ou tt:e Rojal Staff, l< k ft town per Kilauea for KaiUu\ wUli tho Militury fx\nd iu\der liit? eoiumaui} ! j I ! /