The Liberal, Volume I, Number 51, 8 March 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

THF (X>l N(IL —'The' Advisory (w elli M lned.»majoritj 01 gcKja ini;n. TIIE Liuki. AL lia» j»redicted ,that wou?d not lon£ remaiQ so, If the geot!eraen uf the eouneii jneekiy aceept fhe nominatwm ©f Ministor as thcy did in the caso of M*' Haleh, the OonnciJ wiil rt>p}d)y f)egencr*/)e and f;iJ) iat<3 c«u' aud disrepute. Mr. Huleh is uo doubt a vcry ab!e aian, but n\>l ihe uno for that plaee, H ilM'iiAiN iīOHa— Ohapiain ; ii<K's is uihi <jī those doar gt>o(l { genticmo» wliom tbp mis-ionarics ' d«ligiit "<o honor and whom the liOrd is «upposio<l lo keep oonstantly : uoiier the «hadow of nis loft wing. 'Mr. got h'n supi>ort -froni the pnWio troasury whOe here, unl ho c&mc ue*r gott!ng >tway wlfh n gtKxily sack houlelo». ITo docs not !I|M»TWK TjlHK<tAr, h«.'fHU'<o WO oh* to hls ftlt»chtug hlm«0lf to tho bhlp of Stato, an(l FēH'ouiing tho foundt*r of n new famiiy of Bi'rnftclcs. , The K*w*ii»n JKstorlc4l Society !s a vury ros|H;ctabic sham artti ifcs prot«*cu is one the country ean gei r. N. —When :» m«n ig (lead and there ean bo «o raotiv« (of «wi*fog nught »g*in<tt i hfm; bttt thc haUit of >>03towlng I miill who dh>, ■ usuftny very mueh »g*ln< th<»tr ; ioo io i>i>; «|(fervdd by mm who < uMvaio | ttt*tli-9peaklng, C, N. Kpen<'or w*s | » HhT%t\ūx jf»oipson >in».l fi>mily *lrifi-; *d down to the«o fcU in wtth thc iiulolent t»nd imuiunii, bnbit« 01 tiie nfttivc< ( RUd t»cri\tnv | 96e of the most pcrfoct of j the whtte kanaku thut couutry J h«« «oon. Ah MlnisU»r of tntcrlor | h# pursued <t coursf of vādlUllon J and 3ftHctiou that e«racd hioa ihe-1 titlc of Mabopc f Otct By-i4ud-By.! fcul> ho wns u nttAn who dld not i »mouut to niuoh, but hp one! who hclped to dcstroy j vucc of tho cdiintry renitcrlpg i M»if-govt>rnim'nt a frtiiurc. THK 1»UBL1U LōUJ&--One ol U»o woi»t roa^uce«; of th« , tmty of h tlj« excuu>t- j ion oMhe puU»l< ifttid-s of finsvaii fr»Ui M).<* : I'hluhl st»tes. TjU< i*Jhe w.ork of wr P ysy.. mighf «^p* i, t fro u tn«ir •« jy#sk wfeljp opeo āHP iif *#**>♦ <lovcruu)4ol lanī U VWjf*xfi aad to glyo U io 1 fof tjfcp wy.«enUsi M'm* piwni; W iba,i K w WifgA>j> U MQSV i>t^t am oawMHM «(peelMi n«p mg, t»pf # d» %m m$ 'wwM» «nWlkni #r«l «nii l>,f . *Ti« » iity th*t JMW «»psffteiih; | ' V'' mommmm . 'n»* MM Whlk li xiiaatry U tm*āvi?ms«d tmy 3 ritltace aome rops# 5 n ih&u 4tonw. li l#Hca 1 lf # «f ir i to oOr TH* fe of Mr. . wrlghf # * hou«n * t *toov fa m T$M

sad bafiln©i»-mce w*s. Tbe bowebreijters iook sooac Ume and reHt iatervaJ?. *Orit <-.f "waa J*«o b% the^h t | nP^W^W&'; Tb«re was jtf?ite , pi«?ton ** Hl# roan £|kAct!y a~ . Sf hfi wtg s!t home. YhejK»fulness J of the night patro! l* !odisputaWe, but theīr o&n be hejird for a j long dleUDie lo tho stl!lne«s of tho ' nlght, aad thleves arc able tooon-' I eeal IhemwK'e® frcm ihe oHōopp whn j on!y rid€s by. A good «* crct §ervke : ' will be aee<led h«re to keep tr.icte "f j all saspicioas eharscters aod ( ) thelr &ciivity. Tbis ia o»ly a sma!t i country aod every bad cbMrac{6T e-.n be easi]y leoown aDd vatched by ; Uie policfc. Xo «pl®* a0(I , !"Sfor-- are rofjnirr't ?tr?*h a<* WWaon ' Borrouoded with, bnt a re- j iiable am>l eflk!ierit. of dis- • OoveriDg crlmlnals and prevfjsdpig ■ crltne. The v»grancy law< #hould be «trictly loforced wfcore thcre i- ( roam>ii to belicve,th»t naen sre wil!faily !diing. .WILL AMg|Ū ( A WITH | DUAW ?—Tbret" Engtlsh j expeeted ne;sl week. A-? Englitud has entei:ed no ;ig.<lui--t j ihe aetiosi yf the Atnerlcun govx*ru- 1 menl in I£iivvaiL<u nfTnirs the ri'U.s<>n | of snch » di-?i>lay of mtvul force is a ■ obscure. It Diay be onderstood ihiii Iho Uniieā St#tes w>Ji \\ ithdr«\v its $coteelordte whi-e the trenty auo.eiscatJoti b beforo the Uawaiiaii C»ovt riW)ent for The Ūnlte<l Statea canx»ot wlth any. reg;īrd to tfeat wlth Hawaiī ;ut iiulependent eountry whlle Its flag fly!ug from the government build!ng, Having t«ken jwssēsi;ioh of thē Īsl«ndB nnd *?et op and protected a kfnd of f»overnment, to c*Hrry ort nt»gotifrtion«, make n tre*aty f «hd nceept the s»overeignty of the oountry from |veop|p who ;ife surrounded hy TTnited 9tMtcm bayonets, woutd be a di«jpicable f«ree tofaHy bencath Che dfgnltv of a great nallon. A decent reg«rd for the optnfons of eivltiJsed mknkind reqoires that the United wīthdraw Its wholly superf!uous "prot«ction M an<l leavo' WhwhH free to. say whether she dfe* tb#» Ā.* v "g££&tt.Tīaīw.• 7f the Unite<t Btete wishēs to take. Cbese Islands as a coriq«eit alioaHl retx)ove her troop- lfto<le<Z iu foJse of frlhdsJhlp wnd war in due form. If she wMhe* to pureha«o thom H would ,be e«sy wben (he owti«r wm« oaeo found. She oouW wHy i>vibe tbt> Hawaiiaa lē%)Bl*turo to ptt&s tm ann<iJcaUon trenty, But If Hawaii is to be aocepted as »n »ppiic«nt for admis--Bion to the Union, she should not be a«ked to give conj?ont while oaaiiACled. If the Uaitod Sti«tes inteads to wlthdraw her proteetlon we ean seo ihe rcaso» in tho *?ndlng of fleets here to protect property &nd see fair play while tho question of annexation is *ettted. j BKTTKR —Right m*enlly j thf» ProvHon«l Oftvefn«nent has | beon dofnft ;i llttle lx?tter In the ■ w«y of apifolnttnents. The stHtlMn houw 1h pretty well renovated almuly f «nd it ia mnnlfeBtly the intoiit{on of Marthdl Ashte>' to have a dleao H<Trtainistratloiv He » t«Wng Bt©p>< that wiil ??hortly elo» up'every lottory and gainbl!nig jt*m* In (owo. Tho appulntmeut, of AQttoor Browti for depu!i im.u*- | , «litt to*bte a go<>d one. Mr. ' i Browo h*® & good aaau- «o fur, «nd' iNt*to be hep*d %hi( tic will rcfus4 | &t thoos«tnd 4ottars * iao&th, bi tOftderod hlui by £ho ; f lauoo» lott«rSe*. Mr. Sohlēmucr i km be*n capt»lu yf jHMke, | |iad oIMh- godd «ppomtxāeot bsvg | «M īe Uie CttBtoia | l ileverii g«ofl Mani» of tb« e&uw ' j «fid c»p&ble «wn wiilml have | provl<le?l Wiih wor&. All ihh 1 bw>« a 6oM£asffia to pa&k- t>plhloo. \ N*» !o d«&ire to I OēeiMā elnuaiee*.. ntid th<s;,v «ct oa?y t «Imu[ |Nwnare i* !teAv»ght (o be«r 5 wkuh<they c»nm>t with«liOd. N"ow ! that « »t*rt bo<m s£iade. lt re* but a little coarage !o eompiet® lh« work, Uinl >-«eurc for tfee Provl&lonAl Goveromcai resof a|l clas?o», H» <r«ok wbo |eimuil«t ftt aU «'heihee Jqs* 0«i of q®w .vr isfi iu. paUemea .of tlie to * tw; Ūm& $hmX4 k*i« tv M will m * pMI wfctJ