The Liberal, Volume I, Number 56, 29 March 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BY AUTHORITY. Suil • h< vby giv»-n that the Employ#, will p#?«l no the Flr?t ti#v t 1 Uw inetead ol tb«. U?t -lay of the month aa heretofore-- ••• i T. C IOHTEB, ! of Finance, Honolulu. .Marsh «S-2* fOUCE KOTkCE, a;: C Jrt tfct«•»*»* as Special PoHce on tb« l«ia&d of Ofthn, bfritinc flat® prerfoo* JcJOftfT 1 2Ctb- l"®! Sl ® revoke*!. <Bie. - wo. ash^EY, .Miffkftl. Hoooltilo. March IP, 189SGMt KOTICE TO SAVINGS BANK BEpositors Depositor* in the PoA»» Ssi '°^ Sank who tftve 11 *<5 ntert ** torlWz entered » tb«* 1 ..h willlpt«*» for wud tbfcoi »t occ* iff the PoMOfree, Hooolflje WALTEK HILL, po«tma«t*r Genera?. i 6oi : POLICE KOTICr. AU p*r«aaft holding comtnltaion* as Special Polioe o-. tb« I«Un<l of Oaha. *r« li«r«by J|r<Kt«l to rntarr: «nrh c«raoijstitofiß rotfac iHrtjia. -iu or b«fott S»tnrd»* »b»4l& flay of March pmxitfio. (&g t \ 1 W. <3, ASHLEY, Marshal. Marshal'* Offioe, Febrn#Jry 28,1893. * <>td