The Liberal, Volume I, Number 59, 8 April 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LUNDBORC'S PERFUMES EoiiiiA, eoYAHiv, KIEL ROSE, ALFtKE VIOLET, LUNDB&RG'S RHENISH COtOGffE. -mIPs? ¥> s I DELIC "Qfc! Polly I Isn't it sweet!" ATE. REFINED. FRAGRANT. fi> Hare imporl«l rtjwrlMVy <o*r I? " '■ A FISE ASSDR tMElvl; OE* J TRADE ■'•■ pERFu M E s! ■ • Consisting n» patt of tL'Well Kno* u BrniKl* or Lundborg, Lubin, Colgate, Eastman, Cosne/I, i ETC., ETC., ETC. AU ef«hleb w« offer at WholfWle or Kctnil rtt MfiClXt-FY *"** IC+S. HOLWSTER & CO., 109 Street. ORUCCIBTS. < -IT T \ * Where did you s,ay ? I. V ■ • I' ■ ■ ». • Latest Novelties in Neckwear % Sill GOODS Pajamas. Suspenders. Handbndmfs and Panama Bats. * AT HARD Bath Bqhr*, Dress Shirt*. Smiling Jil-l'l-. VhJ'W Dressing Cas?s. PAN mzts Goldberg's ! j""" L 1 "' ""■'""""■—y j' ' 111 Jm kUk i i i

WONG SAI, , iJhaler in General MfrchandiM I asuc **» cure sawrt. ■ MEKCUAM TAILOR. ST HwWl Slit AKiM A,. MERCHANT TMfJth I ho, «wft«oaei W»»l