Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 2, 10 January 1890 — A GRAND "ROUSERI" [ARTICLE]


(CoutiuiuHl from yeskrdftT) Fon. J, E. B,«sb spoke firM iw Knglinh, I»o saMi Mr,- CliHiri»Att aiui nont!einon: I harc the pl»tform read ana wiīl supp<m it : I will evett do a little uiote iu fnvor of aU the inof all the vrorkingmen, <-picially inehuliug i ho.se uf uiv own evunt,ryinen. If the ph\uters wftUt*Hl ehii»ese, wore there not now pleuty in tli<* o«>nntrv. was there nee<l of more? Mr. Bu >h oritici2ed at leng h the stat«?UK-m tUm the pohtical trouble vluriv t g the p ;>t t\ro years has beeu I c*nsed by « too great leniei«ey toward a foieigu | elemeni, * Mr, Bush,turther spoke a fexr iuinutes I to thd mimerouB Portuguese e!ectos j>r. sevt. Thos. R, Luc.ss eawe «eit, he *>uul; I atn I prond to st«nd WlV>re yoa as 6 rei>resert<>»iv^ j ihe Pounh ward. i aui uo orat«ir ■- i pect a s>peech. The deelaration o* .ieij,les Lv«Ukhēd bccn scattfrcd bi .!cast frcm HAWAĪi to NiihAn. Not h steantt v «• left with~ out seudmg eopie* away, I was ut evl when I ugiird pr<?ttv l:\ie iu the iiīgat, t«i.(t ,r Ministt*r vf rnterior aaid thāt the v». >v . i£tven h.ul BtoleU their platfotm. (Cr;es of s) i.it, shanie.) i uewi knew th«t hsß party had u * tform. Iu ISS6 there a p!atfcrm a:ul an omee for exerxhodv, bnt the Kiys got sonp. I would sooser stand on the Meehanie'a Union and Hui KaUiaiiyk pUiUorn\ aud fall, than to l>e « ' cted on the Government side. Pne bcanty a^ v ■' it is we do not int«ud to falh Every eaadidn t :.rv p!edged to tiiat platforiu, «nd it i> t thev wilt do it, but Wē shall do it ii: . r*?ive!y. I ehāl! be bappy\to meet y >n in tl Foitl, ward where we shail Wve 1 .> pleised at Ok large crowd of iuWlleel ;oid ine. « w-v lo*iiīgU4» X niusi Um.l yviu I\«f »ujsu< iit.iv ĪO l?sten to pn>n:ise> bnt work on rea!ity. T.ike the platforui honie and read it. I have 110 a'ee to no to roll. Iwt»tto see the <v>vmitj ou aa it h«a dons in pa«t \*euty years. T>o n br rri£nienel or at th« pōlis; watch your ballot, and yovi will eome ont oa the top of theh«ap. Eobert \V. \YLleox was the !ast gpeaker aiid trats received with !ond aj»ol»Ti6e, He r t >dke in Hawaiian, Mr, Rosa tr*nsmting. Wileox *aid: - II ueKun* to eipt*6ns mv kiud aīoha to njy oountrj"inen and frsetid«. I stand as a !over of the I aauon snd sot as an a«tvoeate of th«. [ ol airanger». lt has be#n atated that I am op»po6«4y tk« wUUe r*ee. I am wtrk of thar, 1 hiTf beer. sbroad and with w!nte races, t and married a wife who is a wouinn, Uow i oan i Ue opponeii to a me»: I ha*e af§«iated ruj- ; st!f with? My iao« has b««is tro3der» dowr, and

t t<» \x\\> ont of tli< :uir*\ »n4 i»Ue* | (bvtu tli a Wltrr |K»*itnui. My b«*«rt mut , w of Ui*M\»uiitiY, lt 1 j iu inv unu ! tliut i\ luan who ttu*h tov»«jj hi> * v>\ui* trv hliouM t*> hvtuoW'\l v ■ Thc cou»luet of thoj iiovt»rutueut ls tvot for thv gvnnt t»ut f »ri ; liu'u'• v»wu, v»nly U» t'iult»ue« thvit onn \>c»lth j A ve*sel wa« uovr oflf the hart»cH with & ' Ja>»au«*t - broughl htre o>nii»t'te witti the' whit« rttt*es. H« could go ou atl tho evt>ning <*n»imerutiiig the f:inU> of thb h.'W Cabiu%t.; Th« time will e.'UK' k> yoft uativ« wheu vou eau «jtsvrtss vour rights, fMk y u t,t ihe difctiou to voU* for thosK' u.eu %vho sui>|X»rt *ht pnn»*ij4M of tht» Nnttonal K» fonn jwty, I Btu a vau*ti«tnt«» for iu <ho Fifth HUvt UoiH' you wili \ otv 101 UH\ I yoii O|H?-aly Ui voto fo» uii*. If auyoiw a hi\W\h is n tr.iitor to hie cH>untry au<l to his hirthi>rigl;t. I Tu«i u«« hLuiu gt ,MV fi»vl«uiU«o»u aud eveu tlu 200 goverumeut party men pro?fut I vekKl it u suec<*»«.