Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 3, 13 January 1890 — The Fourth Ward. [ARTICLE]

The Fourth Ward.

i •«*< th* of / v»uwtjuui Uii kjatiuUU) au awdie*Jtc« of aliuut 100 whleh fc\\ell*d k> o»»r 800 m coiiw« of thoevoiiiii€ a*sembled at the cld armory at 7:30 p, m. Mr. 11. More was chosen ehaii'uiaii aud at ouee introducod Mr. T. R. Lucas ' ihe peop)es eandidate" as the Oiator of thu eTvsiiing. XXift »ppearerii*e waf- a for n bursi of geroious and pr<uonged aj)planse. His gpeeeh oeeupyiiig in duliyery ,ttuoui tweidy tniiiuUs wus traiii>latca with great fldelity by Mr.li. W. \\ ilcox. He diselaimed any ultoipr pvrsi3tiyd end» in this cairpa:gn. ** a Ho had 410 ax to grind. ReferenoC. .to j l*?g;Hlntureg sho\\ tuut j luter6sts no f o|sy bcen repre6oukd liut iguorv4; If the,m§\ j elianics tius>t the uaeu wlio l»avd j ti H\ed them, Vith a renew» d leaso ' pover ther have only themselves ti... posoible nud ptolvablo eon» t*quenees. Xhe refoi m party invitesyoursuppoitariā its candida.tes havmg mterest uleniieal with your owa. will carry o»tt your v, ishe6. ile dently predickd the eleetion of Uie on* tire tieket. Messrs. McCarthy, Wileox aud Crowley followed i'a stirriiig i.iu wches aud tuo deiuonstraiion c»ABod Ti-ith tlrret rousiug eheeia for the eandidates aud ehainnau. As we go to press we learn of & spceeshful atteuipt at suieide of a <*>rsoii vsrLcso is yct iudoubt. The v»etico was lolukl übout 2 o'eloek ip n.Baltpo % ad buy?i:d Kalia*iko, with fiiyLJ»gckir.y cut in two plaees, oruL " r > Hopkins, iuipaneled tiie foiiowing &s i^crh: 11. M. Dow, li, Bergueso^J^^ # MeDouald, A .Bio*n, and Jas. Weleh. Inquest adjourned till tc eionow 10 o eloek.