Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 3, 13 January 1890 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Band $qnare thi* evt>nmg At Ti3M u'eiook . j A eomon* shotre'- of r*ln Wl enminnHlW on ! Haiurv!fty froni 4 i > 7 o*(>lo?ls. ' Im «jkipj*> *iiu I*l. V i'U uwa, wUli i»o»«ro!t}s ( ;e*> f»:vl al'ko. j The Hawa-ian p!aj"eil ts «snal on tfci* v!t N - j pMt-iw of īLe j Th<* Kahnku FtantAtio« Cowi*tiy k aS.>nt to 1 I** īutorpor*t«.L * | | v»t fS(Utilv>«liSl<s il'n? v't * J r»v s Ul b-Ui | INn«B«k:o ii! rcVra*rr. , Tbe Hawiiian Bof*rd richer by f5OOO, owmg | 10 tbe bene* leneo of Mr, P. C. Job«ss, Jr. 1 Mort? or k-«s maniei on th« Atist"ralu. | Ou« oouple wa> ēxec«KHng!y Yonng. I Tht V»i«a.sairx> Maru for Vokou,-uua | |*§mui to*d&y aI noon. | Boston S|><visUty Rcunp»uy to-night at the J Ope» Ho«so. * - | W. O. Abr,4Uis * nU '< pv*Mni£«r for An»-1 «<w !:#>§ at th t* t *»n\ in rery : eiilml v\>n.!itivu, TKo ornt k M ( s lar!;e ?;vo ; *l!y OompMir gave 1 a fnir j«crformānee the> Operā Ko\?ee $aftirday ; •V6uīug, | Two «»iiors h«Te beeu L»*nug K>!ī!ar* nif ' fiion «iv >r thc of ons tia oi opium %inc« ytfeWJ\tay, j ; I The U«riposa smml from AnokUiii! and Syd- | Priday night vith fonrtcen for, Hoia )liU &u4 **?veuLy-t' t irō in ta&a4t for Sau' Sh« pu!W«! oat at 2£. m S ..nr<i*y. ! W. J. Mons*rratt. V, S L*s *ue<.\tx!e..l Dr. ■ lto«rart a>- csccinlv« iu>|HVtor of uniuiAis for tLe kUna vf Oaliu nnvl £ovt-rmu«tti A #t*riuary Sargeo* for Übe * j $oUic miacht»vou» per«ou ntili®ed the Ul<?- : *- '■» w* •• ' • ? ; m > thongh by v>t k .v v f thp jK>wti in Uimn <vb>ruu*vt tU«: »K>ut two haurs. ' . I I vfcsUiux havk A. How!«nJ was WK\k<vl «it | N 's»v, 1 DtvvaiK*r W h TUc onw v*i,h thr -f o,u i««3 m t*< vWlh, Tht- *,-.;;v;v.'C-. Wi« > {\<U£h? lo . HoiJoSu)a on Atioih*j w!.thng Kvk wlneh ?hoy . w»iw fcrtuu&k iu :o IWmlk; 'AV Tl»« T-£\ihr :pouthly i£i*tiii£ of th# Mwh*uV ; lV.i,v?;v t rino! 4 w,,- hvll at ?ht Kmgltt- of r>«:.t*> H.vll on V>i Uy «r< uiug J,iu «*rv 10",:. r.ii.Uiv *i« ;.-. %i.t ehw A f *-* *v an ! »pprv va! f of e, ?wvxnil topv* of u»tc*«<t «««1% *īn T. A. V '>rt<i* v B. C*»y- 1 J f. Sulhv<m. P. M Or>* lv «n ! otlv»r* Bctvml v«.* tJfer ÜbJid»:«9 «=Mtr* , Uiuoa 'h» «I k«tfY A>*s! 99 mmNe ps r« f s*«,