Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 8, 18 January 1890 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

TsiE pre<ent £ tīoket ¥e tbe \\)\ t v t:cket the n>issionarH,>! iuiTe ■ Ij«u1 tho plc»*sure ©f b*iek : «g t «>n tnluc4>le! It is i:it!*or for th«» eowwin iuul tlu s govomment pavh put otf begm aing }«r<*4,» >t\l n !\na until after Feh TO4»i v- *" ' - >,X nial) *«« ivi.-v<. i Such ivi ni ns M*-'ssrss. Yocmg, Bchumaii a»ut LinUtv āu tu»gl»t havo aten soiue of thc nuimua! refov»c e'mdidnt^ t bot B > IH, C unha n\id Dillinghnm • wiilßcvvr-.-t ?!.crr: ' Mn. Oons-ilve.s aftfak* of men who! kiiow how to taiu tnd write 4 anU v* uo s havo the co i nnge to <io so iu thti }»rtb* j Hciatoiv »1. Mr, is net uu- j Iskū tLē ' ' : v:x!st;ug *» ixi i ra t-i on * * in| this ivgāt\r Tke n«tivo eiu,didates upen the! governi>ior,t i !u t <lo ftpt bicl well to; w BUi*otss, Th*> rortson ĪS, tliitf of ; all tUe i lon ou that tiekot, nntivej thir.k the least of those ot\ their eoantr- men, who are run on a iiel;et whieh is pni m the fielil aiul baeked by the polnieal opof the nativ' The goverejnent piiHy shouhl have beeit consistent nnd havo run a straight' haole tiekvt in keeping with the past| twO yeuv** reeont. Nstive Hawaiiann' JsAve neither eonfitlenee in the| promise> nor eīuulidates of an ineon sistenf party' At M«eniae elnuvh list night a • n^tu x nul reM»rte| saoeting of the native* heM, The; mmimg mm acldressed by W, H.! Commiug», a plain deelara - Uon of bis prmeiples to the vok*m «%*iy *»btiss cr tn : ~ ***, any way to lower llie eharaeter or ? standing of his opponent. Mr. Kane, { Mr. Cuuiu}ing> reeeiveil wlth A|»pkuse an<l li??tened to with great j j ātie»tion Mr. H O. Cr«bbe addr?ssocl the n>eeting in tīie na K, e : langusge also <li<l Mr. I\ W Wil-'i cox, Mr. T. R made ] goo4 &rtd sojid Messrss Mehrtens 4 mā H More. !