Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 11, 22 January 1890 — THE DAY. [ARTICLE]


Tliat dainty moral expcneut, tlie Actvertiser, whieh. is owneel and run by certain "mouey lenders" of the familyeompaet, is in great glee this over a deeision given * in Ihe ease of John Bowler vs. The*Hawaiian Gov> ernmept. It seems that Mr. Bowler undertook and earried out a contract in good faith under the o!d regime, for whieh ihe present government re - fnse to pay him. We do not know or care w r hether the conduct of the old goyernment was right or wrong, but we are willing to assume that the eontract entered into was as good a one as that made between the old govern« ment and CoL V, V. Ashford, for sei - vicbs never rendered, upon whieh the prelsent regime saw fit to pay one*half, or It seems to us that a suprejme eourt whieh declares Mr. Bow~ ler]shall not be paid for work doiie in goc|d £aith would also be con3trained, if called upon, to condemn this pay-

raent by t!io siime government of almost iwieo tho amount of Mr. Bowlers elaim to anotber foreiguer for semeeB wliieh were not renderetL Mr. Bowler loses liis because tlie pl<lgovernment.di4 wrong; and said foreigner got liis money, beeause the present government did wrong. Wecondemn tlie government's uetion in both cases; sympatUize witli Mr. Bowler and eon . gratulato CoL Asliford 021 getting liis polHieal retainer'

Whenever tho gOYernment nowspa per finds its'e]f absolutely eonstrained to answer sorne poi nt raisod against its party it doos so by immedrātely diseūssing the politk's of some other conntry. This moral prattler of tho <( monōy lenders' > gete as far away from Hawaiian polities as thc btothoi of Bam Wildor did in his speech the other night, before a shot is returned. By the way, speaking of speeches re* minds us that another political blundcr has been made on tlie govcmment side in publishing those "mudthrowing', speech°s of government candi* dates—all excpp&> brother Cunha's, whieh was| as lmīmessTlīndTiodest as one of his own cocktails in an official stomagh' īt is evidont that brother Cunha has fallen into viilgar political company, but being such a niee fellow himself we advise him hereafter to keep the party bottle in his own possession until after ihe speeclies are made!