Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 11, 22 January 1890 — ANOTHER GOVERNMENT DODGE. [ARTICLE]


To thc Fl'd r /r of the Kaiional Herald .* Siß:—lt seems that m vlow oi diminish.ing as mneh as posgihle the iiurnber o! voUr3, the r - spectors of eici;tior>e—ot those •who .insplre them have deculed to eonstjae our uew aii<J lame electoral law to an oxtent not fo*eseeu by its owu father. The dodge is this: under the law requiriu« residonce of three months to eutitle an elector ,o vote for nobles, r"l persoiis who havo changGd tlieir resideuce with?n tbe last three moolh» not allowed to. register—aud consequeatly vote in thoir new district, whilst they are equally re« fused tlie right of reglstration alid vote in theīr former district. Now, tlie qaestion is, how does this standifig heiween two chairs, imposed by the inspector*, agree with the unde stanuiug in the refoim consi:tution, by whieh no man ean be deprlved of his right of voting, e-cept for criminal cffenses? As the cases of thisnature aro quitu numerous atcst case wih be b.rought before the Court, and all volers who happen to be in that conditioa ave eatneslly requested to make the paiticulars of their case public at onee. Kemn Observer. Honoiulu Jan, 22; 1890.