Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 16, 28 January 1890 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MA KE KAUOHA. * - V^§B^ First District, First Precinct! HONOLŪLU, OAHO. REQISTRATION OF VOTERS. ▲ lietof ?oters for Nobles and RepreseDUtiTes bAfi beeo posted at the Poliing plaee of this Preci&ct, the Government Nursery on Klng &treet Yoters ean &atisf j thesiaelvee by inspectlng eaid list ttāt ihe?** j|f . f >fl P ftrī ?r gor the Mrpose of maklng mn corrections &nd for any ad«Kiooal names fco oe added, meetings wIU be held tbe Government Nureery, King Btreet. on WEDK*BDAY, Jan. BWh, from 4to 8 p. m. THURBDA7, Jan. 80th, from 4toBp. m. FRIDAY, Jan. 31, from 4loBp. M. E.O.BOHUMAN, I €3iMrman of Inspectore, lst Precinct, lst District. jBBtf. First District, Second Precinct! HONOLULU, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be heid the 3nd Precinct, lst Dlstrict,< Honolulu, at the Pablic Scbool House on Beretania street, between |*DHHHBfOIn tsd PUkni m TUGfiDAY, 9Mh i ast, trom &to 7-JSO r. m m and on Friday, Slst in»t., from 8:80 to 5:30 F. m. A listof persons registered and entitled to votc wiU be posted at tbe above piaee on Thursday, Soth iāīt, and Friday, 31st inst. All voters in this Precinct are requested to see that their names are on the list ALBERT LUCAS, GARDNER K. WILDER, J. ALFRED MAGOON,J3Btf. Inspectors of Eleeiion, 2nd Precinct. Second DistHct, First Precinct! HONOLUI.U, OAHU. REQISTRATION OF VOTERS. The Inspectors of Election for the 2nd District, lst Ppecluct, Hoaolulu, wLll meet at tbe Btore, cor»er of Nunanu and Pauoa streets, for the purpose «f reffisterlng voters andcorrecting the RcgiBter, on WEDNESDAY. Jan. 3»th, from 7 to 9j p. m. and FRiDAY, Jan. Slst, from 2 to 6 p. m. ALFRED W. CARTER, Chalrman of īnspectors of Electlon, lst Prccinct, 2d District. j2Btf. Second District, Second Precinct! HONOLULO, OAHU. REGISTRATION OF VOTETS. llie Board of Insp©ctore of Election for the 2nd Precinct, 2nd District, ilonoiuiu, will meet for rega)steiiQg votere and correcting thc register, at the Fotling Plaee for said Precinct, Hon. W. H. Rice's tern, Bchool etroet, pn FRH)AY, Jan. 81st, from 7 to 9 p. M., and at Nb. 4 Enginc houee, on MONDAY and TUEBDAY, JaaTmLand 38th,from 7 to • p m J(HUitHAN BHAW, |28tf. Ohainnan. Third District, Fkst Precinct! HONOLUE3K oahu. REGISTRATĪON OF VOTERS! Noiiee is hereby given tbat a meeting will be held im the First Precinct, Third Dist rict, Honolulu, at tbe Honolulu Rifles Armorv, Beretania »treet, on WKDNESDAY, January 2&th aod FRIDAY, Jan3lst f b«tween the hours of 7t09 P. M. t for the Mrpo«eof Regkt&riiu: Voten& and eorreclinc the Kegtster. These wUI bc contuiuod from week to week at the same plaee on the same days and hou» aa »bove. F. TURRrLL, jSStf. Ch&irman.