Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 17, 22 October 1935 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

&TATEM£NT 0F THE OWNI-IvSHIP, MANAGEMENT, (IRCULATION EXC., REQUIRfeiD ACT 0F CQNC«£Ej3£ 0F AUGUST 24, 1912 Of Ka Hoku o Hawaii Pnhliihin*; ('o. Lt<l. Weok!y at H.lo, Hawiii for Octot*f 1, i!«5. | Territory of Hawail ) C<ninty of Ilawaii \ Before me, a person iti antl for ihe State and connty afores»i(V persoa*lly &ppearea W.H. Bpers, who, having been rtuly swom *Creunliun to law, depo*es «q<l says that he īs the Yice Presi<l t .nt of the KA UOKU O HAWAIĪ aml that the following is, to the hest „f his knowlenge *nd beiicf, u tnie Htatement of the o-cnership, mana»ement (aD ( I if a dail> p»per, the circ«lātion), «tc., of thc *foresai«l puhlie.iion for the d«Je shown iu the above c4ption, re<iuired by the Act of An S att 21, 1912. emb*lted m 411, Postal La\vs and RegnljtiunP, printed on the reverse of th's fonn, t® *rit: , 1. That the nameß aud An<l addresses of the puhli«her, e<lttot, man»gmg edUar, aud business managers are: ' Natoeof Post Office addresj? Publisher Ka Hoku o Hawaii Hilo, Ilawau Edttor B.L, Deshajr. Hilo, Hawaii Maa«giag E<litot S.L. Desha Jr l!)lo, Uawaii BusiueßB W. 11. Beers ' Hilo, Hawaii 2 Tbat the owne*r is: (!f ownvd hy a e.u'pom'ion, Us inxme «nd a<tdro>f> must siuted aod *lsp lm.bediat>ly t|»ereund<-r the natnes snd addi <•?».,■?. of the iudivMual owner* must t» given. lf owned 1»y * firm, c<jmpany, < r olU«*r uuiucoruoruUd eoueona, ils eame and as woll as th<»s c . f •aeL iudiv|dual meuib«?r, must !y>given.) S.L. Hilo, Hawaii W.H. Hilo, Sam K»uakauui EstMe llonolulu, T.U, JoUnT, Moir Estate Miio, Hawaii 3 Th«t lbe kuowu boadhoMers, mirtgagetS aud ot!ior s<vuiity l.oMoi? or !iol!ing I j>er cent o* morf>" of tntal amoant T or uther secumks *n 5 : (If thoro ar* mmo, -o stut«. Noue «* 4 Th«t th« tw > pariigr?phs »oxl »hov«, |iiv?ng i! c n.>mes of ;!i 1 owu«rr, atockholders, »m? <<fcunty fit>!d*TS, if ai»v, u<»t <>u!y tlio li>t of sU>cl> • lu»t>lorg s«»ounty holdors ihoy appe*Fupon thc b.«.>Vw< of thv e imi-ai-) l>ut »180, ta wliim IUo su»ckt o].!o! <>» :sccuritj* h.<Jdot a|<]v»tt( uj ot lb' books of Utc cou'pauy «« iTu>t.-o < r hi ary l'-<fuotat,v t<l tkm, t?.« name of tlw ptr-oa or c.>rp=.-.r,<t!osi for *-!;«»W -e! is act J uj;, is icive« »lw th»t the «»h1 iwo j»*vHnrat»h» oouUiu vtat« mouts ««tnl*r»oins futl ktiowtad££ »nd K*liof ** t«» thec»rcuiii<;«i;ov>- i ■>f.diti«n- ;:i kr v\hM stookhokW» a«d .«oeunlo hofclow> who do n t :<{ p -at i:j»oh tho >\k ks *~f th couip»tty »s tvo«t»S'«, hotd ahd iti • c»|>*o't> ots.ci ts.»r th.-* c-f « boix» flde owa<>r; #tvd tU's »ff, >jv Ua- oo to lvl:« \e that aīt> i>ersftu, as* rt v, .jttH>u, or o > h.,«- •>;,; UU<•!x- t l *:>o<'. <« mdineo Ut tho «t<l #*<vk. Umd¥, .»< othor t!;»u < « vUt<sl b\ hi*u, 5 īl'M t'>« *\« rav.< '»« ti' er ot o,»j>tov <»f t*, h »' 'V p*tl»llh »tH»n -<»!d o! d--t t U\l> t' M ; '»> ttii4 e? n:n r \«»xp, to rai,! >üb , -r/>, t'i«. t* \ iu<.„U> | >--> ■. tlto» \l»te »ho!fin c >" ftl«« tt«tti '> !V>{»si(\d !rollt d*>\v pei-l.\ Ikt%vu;:\ i W li HUxm \ ,oc rto*> i .dout W »H4 i»S*> ' fu'* »»* tV.< H? '*\,fN P *< "* l«f*l3 f .S$Jl Gto, 0 lW'*Ht i M.v i\»n ttstssK\u o\p.s\v *