Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 4 March 1936 — COMMEMORATIVE HAWAII STAMPS [ARTICLE]


Tho follo.wing editorii!il is reprinted from thc Fcbruary lō edition of th.e Miuii New. •

J. il.■ Wilhono! Puuneni', who eOnduclb ]\laui Ne\\s weekly stann> eolunin, h<is huggOf?tt-d a commeihoraive issue of 15 valtieo oC U; S. postage stauips to. mark the 40th anniversary of Ha\s aii's ainiexation. The stanips would be !ssucd in l!)oS.

The idca is a spleiidid one. If such a series of st.amps were issued, the worldwide circulation they would receive, not al.one through the customary mail cluitinels bui through purchase by stamy. coll«'ctors as well, \vould ;iv<; i iie islands invaluable pub--sicity and help, in some measure, to correct, the inipression still held iu many quarters that the territory is a foreign country ratlu>r than au integral part of tlie U. S.

:.Only; .possi.ble objection to such a cominemorative iss.ue is the fact tliat the anniversary selected id tlie 40th an<l 1101 the 50th. This objectioa iuight carry some \veight with postoffice departmeiit. officialp, wlio probably would | contead that if Hawaii were granted its 40th unniver&aiy stamps, the territorv wouUl re(iuest another Coininemorative issuo £or tlie 50th anniversary. To • overcome this objection, it might bo i>ointed out that l>y 1948. when Hawaii observes the s'Hh anniversary of its annexatibn, the territory might have become a state aii(i that it is de'sirable to observe an a.nnexation while we are still a territory.

At any rate, Mr. Wilson's idea is a good oue aud deserves the support of everyoue in the islamls. The present is not too early to start a vigorius campaigu to obtain postoffice sanction for such an anniversary stamp issue."