Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 34, 4 March 1936 — PAHALA SCHOOL REPEATS PLAY [ARTICLE]


"H. M. S. Finafore." tho eomie opora whioh \vas suoo<"«sruHy i».vsontod by tho Olaa toa<iiors ar,l uhimni on Fetj. S at th© Olaa theatro, was l>rpse»?p(l again last SatiiTiiay, at Paivalh. for (he Uenefv\ of l s>chool A. J. \Vatt A mauagt't* of tho Ohui t>ugar Co„ excused the ni<mbers of Uu» o<»iSt, who are omi»loyoii at tho l>lantaūon, £rom work on that tlay to enabit'theiu to motor out to l'ahala for the iKTforma»ce. Jamos OaTnp?u\ manag4 l r of the Hawaiian Agricnltnral i o.,!ī>aw to »t that a stage vxas huiU ior ilm> ptnformanc<>. A Uvgo vrv>wd £rvau Waiohiuu, Fvtnaluu ami Kapal»aia «tt«?iKW tho opora woH as many tYom F*hHUi. AmnbonofU iw?rfonnanoc will iw givon «t tho Hilo Hijih *<hool au <i»t<*rtwu on Miiivh l'' TUo }u\k »h>ls vtiU bi k g»vou o\tn" to lhv SaU.\Uoti Anii)' niirU Ut»me lmihiius ūiini U>Usjfe| v\ho air«v;oa Th<? iUkanlo y<>ar, vv th v ii<roouvr oi' tho Piiuuoiw