Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 36, 25 March 1936 — DEMOCRAT PETITIONS GOVERNOR'S RECALL [ARTICLE]


i— . | ! James S>. TTollingsworth, reporti>d- 1 | ly onee associated wUU Hamilton Cot-1 ton, Los Angeles DemOcrat, . | started cireuiating petitious to īeeall jOovernor Frank P. Merriam, af Cali- , j fomia, aceording to rei>orts from Los' ; Angolt l 8. j ; Hollhigs\vortli ehar-es that tlio gov-! | ornor lias "plunged tiiv stute hilo uiv , | ureeodented indebteduoss.'' He s:ud ] i he expeeted to have sufficicut sigiu: | j turoa in tivo or six weoks to slart; j action, I ■! I