Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 39, 15 April 1936 — ERNEST AKINA IN SENATE RACE [ARTICLE]


Despite rumors Lo the contraiy il has been reyortcrl (iefinno]v thai. Er-nc-st A. K. Akina of holiala will rnn foi* tlie territorial senate in Ihe eoiniiig cainpaign. %Vord has been receivetl from Honolulu tliat Akina is pi;eparing lo seek vindication by tlie peoi)le for his removal froni tlie sena(e Juring the last BeBsion and that he is deteiinined to bring his coini»laints to the vot.ers regardleBs of wlio else is 011 the trcket. It is Also reported that he plans to return to this island spmetime in Jurie to atart his campaign ami that a definite announcement will be made soon, although it is said that lie has been approached by some influential persone wit.li a view to postponirig liis campaigri for a eouple of years, whiie others have been uTpng him to run ihia year. j Akina apparently feels that he has had a rather "raw deal" and vvants | one more ehanee to vimlicate hiftiself. ] In that case there will he three Repuhlieana on the. senate ticket iu tlie piimaWee, including the two hoidover eenaloī-a, Carapsie of Pahala and Hill ot Hilo. ;