Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 39, 15 April 1936 — Plans Go Ahead For Hilo's Big Four-Day Celebration [ARTICLE]

Plans Go Ahead For Hilo's Big Four-Day Celebration

The lives, activities aiul achievements of Kamehanielia the Great and King Kalakaua ar.d the highlights in progress in the history of the Hawaiian islands down to llie present day will be depicted in colorful pageants and elaborate plays in līilo's fourday celebration ol' June 10-13 llawaiian Jubilee.

With the ce|ebration ouly two " months away, the Kamohanjieha Lovige seneral eommiliee, of whieh Iliu i'i' K. Bvo\vu ,is general eluiinnaii, is rapklly final plans atul eurrying 011 linal. arrungenienls, Highlights will.be tlie anō plays, whieh wili stress the careers of Kalakana aud Kameluimelia, on eveutngs at th« loeal ;muory, a "poloilul paratle HhowinK tho liistor}\ eustoms aud iiHl«strios o[ tho it;t!fiuU, aa exteasive program. lilonuN' txorcis-.s aiul tho torehlight purado. : Tlie i'ēlelmilion will start W , h s .iu , s« j.tlay ovoniug, Juiio 10, wiih tho Kalai kuua All Nutions progruiu al the ailu. | ory, wilh a p!ay prosentlug tho, 15fo j ot the Haw&Uiiin moi»aivlu tsyins I Aress ou tho eon>lug of tho ! rlmis racps to tho U!u?hls us a rosuH tnf Kttlakavia's ]>art in i>wnot?ng pr«v I «rress! «vf !ocal h»(histrios. espe{ i tall? that ©t sugar, j I Tho para\lo of! r&ees to tho ( io fumtsh lahor' for tho lvuUistv\o* ' wtU *furt wUh i;ho Ohtaove aiul wU\ \ ho rottowotl in onlor hy tho s Kore«ivs, Japunese, Na\v»U»u*. i < ; The Thurs<lay ivsra4»» wSH hsvo AhtMlT P:v\Us 1; t'sUmaUHi, 55tarU;ii4 ai V-.no miul] last*j ;>! an 'honr hs!?! Va ; rio«s jfro«i>s ovsaui?Ati\Miji in ' rIM«i»U!S tho a«d Jas*ajne>o | • «rv u\ on!ov flv*atv. ! | U*omvy c\ero|i<e» ut ! ;U 10 oYHvM, wiī»', W \\ ' j | Ms ohaiie* 4 . aw<l 1 wUI Ms{ *n> f ! 1 : \

| Horse races will be lield starting at ! 1 P.m. at Hooinln park. Thursday eveniug will he featured bv the Kamehamoha Hawaiian program featuring u eolorful pagoaiU. | County ofTieials and loeal coneorns j have assured tlio eelobration eominUtee of support for (lurkouiug stroots | iunl store JYolits Fr)(iay night ulong | ihe Hne of the torehlight parado. • StUile 400 i outlvt>, boy sct>uls aml. thoso frv>m the Hilo Iloert>aUou eoui , niilteo, will lake piirt. A , sectiou lias heeu voiuuUrily iiu^gost-1 j etl for. a la»toru p;irudo uiuh rtukotu }i y Xhe Jui>itu'si&e bus aiul j otheis who wish to Join. Aftor tho ; IKiiaUo. slartiug at * p.ui, aiul lastiug | au hour, there w ill be teich%la c\ eivisos at Moolieau paik. : Ca«v>e vaces iu tho hurbor SuturI vla> »!>• AseureU, tho eoimniiue re ( }K>rt(Hl. Bro\vft cuulorred wUh Sup , JulUu Yaies» who iiisu prv>ivSeut this yout va" tho Kwua Civic, eluh. rvßur\ihi£ i>aniv iinuiou of Uu Koiia ervnvs iu Uikv ' j Tho v»v\\s4 raco *u HoiK»iuiu on s Th«r?*tAy, Jufto 11, $*U af\er-* and arrīve iu liuo SanutUy u> ] ra<o that loa\ Ute UuU uU;h: * jvm v !?unviay for Kvnu». wlūlo tUoir iae I' : *S latvi wiH lk kwuuU <*u, ste*mc* to U> tw | Kv>ua I j K"v*r S*U}r\t<&y Uw J f\>r tUaw.jv thv> Hi«o Ai«iviy ( Unvi Oio elah a »a s-, thc! h""-