Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 40, 22 April 1936 — ODD ROMANCE ENDS IN DIVORCE COURT [ARTICLE]


' "East is East and West is West Dnd never the twain shall hieet."

The well known phrase of tho late Rudyard Kfpling is recalied thrpugli the oilio'al disentangkunent of tlie odd international īomanee bf K. M. James Lin, son pf the president of China, and attractive Yiola Brown, Columbus (O.) fivc-aud-ten store clerk, by Judge Clayton W. Roso, wlio Kas just ginnted the girl a divoree and rest*ored her maiden name.

The romance was kindled last year when Viola met Lin, ;m Ohio ,State University stu<lent, in (he store where she worked. Later tliey elopeel but the marriage was short-]ived, A lew weeka later Viola instiluted (livorce proceedings.

Slie was undismayed when she learned Lin had t\vo \vives and several ehihh-on in Ohina. Slie said thcy could have lived happilv together but for the publicity tlie newspapers gave them.