Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 1, 29 April 1936 — 'DARK HORSE' IS LIKELY TO RUN FOR WILSON JOB Delegate from Outside Islands Getting Weary of Factional Strife And Petty Jealousy [ARTICLE]


Delegate from Outside Islands Getting Weary of Factional Strife And Petty Jealousy

; of ;t!i ihi}» iiii;ir su i P rise i 'i liii H'l'.i!ir l\.riiotial " lntV ov,%r !l! «' •>'■ >1 (ov īunional il "" !ili t || ' , ' in:U! s\w>ji;- iiuouKh tiio ' n,nks ot ' !he nU) Hv - :i «iiu|.h .Man«"iv at iionohilu as iiueres; in the I uiipioaeliuiii cuaveuuuā quiekened with the arrival uf various delegates ffom outsiUo islands. Pirst af importaiice iu an oventfut i dfty twn re)iifovciH'('S i a'Heil l>v <-.ov. inor i'oiinioMoi'. in. ; i u , nioniin^ i'os!n!astor .lohn ]{_ \\ , i!lea a{ ,h0 S<»vornor-s oili, o auū n uuiinoii i"r a]iproxinniit>ly m 0 h»ii:rs Anu W hen iho S ovor;;or n»iurned m ' m a ho \veut into f" ~au>r bur s-ssion \*ith Wil-n.ī-n 3iiks. s t ,,rotary 0 f iho eentral committee and a MoCamlless man. nat these coni:'reiu'os oonoerned v,as not divuU;v.:. \Vils,.u. Mile-s and • iu> S°vernor v,: ro :i;i askt d pomii>h,nk wliaī vas b«t ali ion!sed to talk. Amo«S «he iioio.caios wiio arrived " Monday wero Mamiol C. OeMello of W'ost Hawaii; Tho:nas l'odru. Jt„ 0 £ Eust Hawaii: Gus Siu>e. East Hawaii; Anthony Carvalho. Uawaii; t ī'ank Serrao, H::o; Mrs>. Joseph. Agui»r, Kauai; Samne? OWIIS. Maui; P„ F, llurley, Kauai; Harry Allen, Kau»i; Lawreuce Clemeats, Kauai; J. E, Bmmaghin. Hiio; Harxly Shimau, Hilo; Xavter Helbush, Hilo; lierinau \Wssel, Hīlo; Williaiu Harl»onle. Ko!ra!a; Pavid Napeahi, Hilo; Ted And<Mrson, Kauaī; Mrs. A. G. Correa. Hili; Mrs. Mary Si?S*a, HHo: Ohar!es Audrade, Kauai; attd D. W Kauai.