Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 5, 27 May 1936 — By Authority [ARTICLE]

By Authority


N<|tice is hereby gtven, that s ipetitTon foT- the approval of.fi — ]nal A cc3unt aud tbe distribut»on i«f pruperty has. been fi!ed in the ! above eatitled Estate, and said fpetttrop s¥īd"finaī'āeeoi?ntWilTbē | heard by the Judge of ttie Feurth t Court at his Court Room |i« Hiio, Hawali at 10 o'eloek | A.M. on Monday, the lst day of Līun? A D 1936. I>Y IHK COUiiT By G Aio j €ierk tA pra 29. &»y 6,13. 20, 1936.