Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 6, 3 June 1936 — Reservations Being Made [ARTICLE]

Reservations Being Made

Me?nbers of v thc YWCA are urged to inake their reservations for the annual ineeting uinl luneheen for Saturday afternoon Ju!H> 6|at 1° «W Reservation«! n to l>e in l\y Tuesday, June 2. An annually fine business \meeting, program and social time are expe^ted. Eaeh g«est will receive a phamphlet containing the annual rer>orts ? on the cover of whieh will be ā picture of the new building. The program will eonsist of vocal selections Mr- (]crtrude Walker of Kohula and Mrs. 1\ C. Beamer. A very elever allegorieal plny about the motlern girj will be given. The charaetens are Cl.vde Crnwfot\l, Mrs. Rex Wills, Mrs. Esther Riehar<lsoii, Eleanor Soares, Leiko Katsuyo Uratani, Yasuko Oshimn, Ah Lin Chong, Xaney Awong. Kunimi Kanno, Katsue Ikeda and isīinaga.