Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 8, 17 June 1936 — Subcriptions Must Be Paid [ARTICLE]

Subcriptions Must Be Paid

]• Hnndreds of do!lars worth of subseriptions aro due this ne\vs- ! ]>aper and it. has boon deeidod by t.ho ninna£oment th"t it mnst he ? , olloetod at onee if Ka'Hoku O Hawaii is eontinue to oxis-t. v ,"]iiHs r are being sont out*in the hope that thore will be a satisfactory responso. ' Whero it ,is ]>ossiblo to make a porsonal eall tho Hoku"s oi'l'ieial colloctor will do so, but therc aro many subseribers who eannot, bc roachod by ,this n'ieans, Bil]s for such ]>ersons will bo. sont l>y ifiail. - Unfcss suffioiont rcvonue is obtaino*l immediate!y this nc\v<]>aper will have to be dßeontinudl, it has for months l>oōn pul>lishcdata!oss. This ch-nnot, ]>e continifefl-indofiirite!y and unlcss at |Jeast a 3arffo part of-tho outstandin<s- moncy. is' roceived within thc ! rit 4 xt woek or t\vo Ha\vaifs ohly Hawaiian 7anguag:o nowrt]>a]>cr will \'oasc to oxi,st, at loast under tho" present managoiiient. AYhon this tooU ehargc(if tho papor it was in tho hope that poo])lo of-th" llā\v;uian raoo wou!d tak(> in-it to mske it"s sueeess possible. .Tht\now movo has failed to make niueh of an impivssion, oven with th<> new t'caturo of ofte i>rtgo printod iu ttao Jvnglish l;inguaj?o. old attif:,do of indifforenoo is st|ll noticuablo, BiJls hāvt*been sent out from (in'io fo* timo, with ]ittle oi % no ivsults. *vThe" erisis has lioMi rcaehcd and iu'iloss tfioro is a for tlje within tho noxt t\vo v i cks inont will bo foreed to stcp down and ōut, \vith sad- cx-porioncC-as a 7 rewa:rd.. '• ' ■* - ••' f -