Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 8, 17 June 1936 — SUCCESSFUL CELEBRATION HELD IN HILO [ARTICLE]


HiJo'sgmit l'our-day eolobration* eamo to a Mieocstoful closo Satnrday night. 'rii(iusūnd.s of ho!idny seokors from alj pai-U of tho island turnod out t'or thc mammoth wliieh wiu, the high spot in the Kamehameha-Kalakaua e<'loliration on XX»ui'r*ila^. The paradc w&s tho larj2:<'st ever hcld on the Big Is!a»d, with 6(5 unit& anel six bands rttt ip;itinyr, inolinling sectionsand <raily dccoratod floats. ■

As if t<>jL*ontributo tt> the holitlay s]>irit, tho Avcathor was perfoet. l>y S mo<t of tho downt town !ii*oa w:o= l'H!cd with '{too]ilo I who haei eomo from fnr nnd wido to witness the parado." At 0 when tho paniilo jrot mulor\vay. thc sidc \valks wero cro\vd.cd to oa]>acity. The parad( i made its way f from tho intorsootion oi' W'aianuonue and Kinoolo Sts. down Waianūemio St. to Kamohanieha"Avo., a»tl thon alon}x Kamohameha Ave. 4*> the Volcnno frarajro, and thon back to Waianuomu 1 St. by way of Kaniehamoha Ave.

Tho I>ost float. aooordinff' to nnanlnious oj>inion, wastho onoi dopicting tlsa vrjk"ino sc-oīu>, whio4>J vvu,s oona lliuleu by iho Kau eom-! irh*nity. Show?n<£ a miniaturo ro-l pr<uluction ot' tho okl Volcanoj yous'> on thc l>riuk of tho orator, ] tllis float \vas ai-olaiiiHMl by all thojTlic crator m0.4 offoctivoly carriccl Out wlth rean ( fircct>niing out of thrcTava, ' ! Tho fii-st float, 4 that ofj (.louhlo ranoes shr)\vn T>y tho Wn-\ moh;Vmoha Lod£e, anothcr whieh won tho eommenVlafion of : tho public."' ■ " All of tho f!oats showovl thc tiroloss c(forts pnt in l>y tho eon.tributors% but oi\t of thenu s<>mc wi'i-o trulv Thoso inc!itilod tTfo flo;\ts oontributod by ithe Kuahuim\nu Sooioty, "Xative Sons of Hawaii, O.'aa *Catholic Church, Monohuno cfub, «Hifo Wohicn"s Kecr< v ation club, Amenean A.O. Forostors, Hilo Lions chvb* 4-H XM. Koss PTA. co?nnumit.v.

Tho c<>lor smd fostivities i]iiu'kt'(l thc paniele this niorning wt>iv not lost to the coiinti y iK'oi>lr uho \vrre unahle ,to eonio t.o Ililo ior tho prtrttUt\ ior throuirh the courU J S,v of thc jVlainalah<>u Chuptt i r ol' the KiMHehaiueha Lo«ige, whieli ia rēsl»onsi!)lo fov tht'-i\)uiMla.v eelehnition in Hilo, a vivkl descriptiou of tho entire }H'ocession was given ovor nulio station KIIBC. T. Estes, loeal inanagvr of tlie Staiulanl Oīl Co. of California, aiullionlon Beruton, exe<-utive secietrtr\* of the C}iaml>er of Coiumerce of Uilo, took turns as annou{icers ainl deseribed ever,v feature of Jthe -Thēin--oiūlcai,t stunij' wtis loeuleū ut ihv ioot of Wiiianueiiut> St. . ' ;:v;' "■ Kntiuisiustk' eonm\ents \yere heaal ever.\ \vhero on the finii suc- , cess c>f the Kumeluuneha pai"aJe Hiul the eutiiv puhlie ot tiae opiniou tha't this wa.s the "best hoHiX'leliinuou _have t&k<ai l>art in for a long tiiue.

t"nī 1«. jI rtss«>oi:tti«»v., Pi»- ! rean Couiniu\iity, Fili|»ino oom-l rtiunity. art«l tho Hilo f»irls" | ; rho floais |>ut on tho .iaiwnoso, Chiuc.se aiul Kotvan| jfi\»ti|ws vvvi\' oolorfu! an«t ivt<Usl hu <,)ncnU*i tonoh t«» tho Hawnii j au i«ANtU&..Th£ - J&t*tnoso f!w\t s vlo|uoUsl Kinjj KukkmVs\;>U •Jaj»an, \fitli 5* of uotul»k>| siitiujj uiuWr tho Kautifttl "fu}r* ( UK»ssouts, Tho Chmoso fk\it' oai 4 runl n gtx>ui» of i»ivtt.v | jfirJs in ovk>tumo cat o tKvh li-iulilionAl f«ns in lo&Miiuiiiupu v. Konaii 4jirls in co>Utmo Uio K«nvuti whuh \\vOU M |»ut vm\ tho Koi\-;ui , v»f j AH wf t|»*' |«..h ri«loft< ■iui? | t*srorts w*>ro cffiVtl\o in tiu h »o ( iortui cv\s(tumo>, Mi\ iUolu* Kst*tJuis wa> l«»vol,\ in a iv«l aivu Na«k\t-lvoi i\kU* with M>Hroumi hor ro«l i«vk Mrv bA\w\ 11, N U»it S\a.* ,tlK'th» ; , l»a-M rkk*r. wtnrhu: :u> u?«! cv*.tmuo *hh A nmtohu i» . -V '« i IWI Iw 11,- ;i. S V«. i . *« Wll»: 4MV»I I4ttv k Wko ' i «».»<.l »■ !s;iriuing I TKf fluftts 4k \\r««4r th« 11« ] *stiti« vu«nmi of m*Uh£ ■*, | 4* m l»»*», t »ssl« ft«(|- .*< *n,usin*, wklī .. : »«>trw*H'«\ f | A m* th, - • u » v »**k> n,5.k t.\ - I*4* »1r- Hmhi -k. 4 S ?1 j tf*o