Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 8, 17 June 1936 — Dionnes Expect New Baby Soon [ARTICLE]

Dionnes Expect New Baby Soon

Pross roj)orts from Oallander, Ont., conīains the information that tho Dionnes aro expeeting a c.hild within a fortnight. J. Logros, fathor of Mrs OHva Dionno, said his ,son Loon had gone to tho Dionno farrnhouso to help Diohnc "unti I aftcr th<*. baby comes." ' Logros siud ho had socn tho Dion]ies sinco Saturday i«H:anse they- : are quarantinod due to tl'io factthat two of the children havo measles. > Howovoivhe suid "tho new baby may arrivo as oarly as, Monday." - . .. Papa Dionho stul)born!y kept silent. Dr. Allan Dafoo ox]>ressed inton>st; but refustxl to comm'ent dne "to tlie faet. that t>r. M.G. .Ranncy is now th'o Dionnos' ianii"ly beeanso Dionne felt Div ahbe«tted the. ornmont.in i&enioving the ,(iuintuplets froni the i>aivnts eontrol.