Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 10, 1 July 1936 — Carroll Roll Is Home For Holiday Visit [ARTICLE]

Carroll Roll Is Home For Holiday Visit

CaiToll Koll, son of Di*. aud M rs. A. T. Koll o£ Hulaulani Plaee and a medical stiu!ent at Elooniington, Ināiana, arrived on tho Hnalalai this morning for a visit with his paronts. Ho was aeeompanioil by lus \vife, who is a for — mer Kontucky girl, an<l Dr. Koll*s nioeo. Miss Mary Frahces Rofl of Iniliana. Thi,s is Mrs. Koll's and Miss Roll's fii\st trii> to tho islaiuls and thoy aro vor.\' iimeh inipivssed with tho climato, iieople and tho lovcly sconory. Tho visitors will romaih in Hilo unt.il August whon they wili agrain return tvS tho main tetīd.

Miss Roll graduated. 'recently from Indianrt' iinivei'sit.y, whero sho was prosidont of Pi Omoga Pi, national sorority.