Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 8 July 1936 — JOHN PA, 75, SUCCUMBS TO LONG ILLNESS [ARTICLE]


John Kaiiii l'a, kamaai111 l residelit ol' Hil<> :itnl f i'iuei'h ieonneeted with 11 k lioard ot" health I and poliee de|>arl Hm-iU . Wa> called l <>> deatll 1:15 aHemoon ut tJie home ol' M r aiul Mrs. ,Jacob Victor in Keaukaha. Pa had ! t>een ili for several inonth«;. Following !t requio.u inass at ( .) Tue>da.v morniiiir. intermrnt ; was at i-iomelani ei.')Mei:erv. The jUev. Futher Sel»asiian ollieiated at the i'unemi serv'icesai Sl, »»«)sei»h"s ehni'eii.

Surviv£K<ī-tni' uiv the wielow, M rs. (inuo l'a, now rosirlinff in Honohiln, Mt <. ,Tiicol> Victor, ii Pa, a son. of tho Honolulu Postolliee: Mrs Mar> Eaoon, a i.laughtorof thc territorinl 'Jepiirtment ■in Honolulu: Stophvn Pa, a yon, wiī'li liie Man uml (~/il 00, of New Jorsey, Sauuiel Pa, "a fonnoctocl \vith tln- Hawaii ConsoliJatod RaU\va.y Co. oi' Hilo uud 17 grancl chiUlivn. &irs. Bacon aiul ,lamos Pa arrivo<l N'oiida,v via Upolu Point to attoikl tlio t'uh«'ial oi' thoir fathor. .... Eik.lYtiml on a ooui k ty poiisioii scvora! year> Alt]iou«jh a cari>ontor hy ii-ailo, ho later conuoctod \vith tho hoai\t of hc 4 att,h anel latcr \sis- a guai\l at tho liilo juil.