Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 11, 15 July 1936 — Political Aspirants Warming Up [ARTICLE]

Political Aspirants Warming Up

Aspirants to polilioal oli'icos in this yoar , s cani]>aign ai'o boginning to wanu u]> and aro put,ting out w i'oolci's" in au ol'fort to mako up their minds to what niovo thoy wiīl mako noxt.

vS<'iiator »latiics CuMii>stc, <»f Paiiala, iias alread,y statod that hc is dcfiriitel.v goitig to ruu agaiu for the sciiate, but refuses to m:\ke an\" i'ut'ther statement other than that he is now too biisy \vith his plaiitation work to say mueh about liis eampaign, but will bō hear<l from when the j>roi>er time eomes. Senator Cumi»>ie is un usuallj," bus,v supervl,siH£ the eonstVuction of a new aeklilion to lli.e Hnwaii Afrrieultural 'C'uniu\ny*s plant at 1/ahaln and other bu-iness matters are oeoui>ying most of his tin\e for the moment.

Mrs. Sarah Cunīiinjxham is exi»eet<Hl to make her announeoment in the near future r<'yrjinlin<r her ean<li<la<'y for the M-nate. Sho hās been workinjl <iu »uuon<j tho jH'o[>le of her <listriet timl the Kona s<'<*ti<«i! <luriuy; th<p:\st fow weeks antl is fjnt!in}; unieh eueiuu'a^eu^'n^.

Th«>tu;\s l\>«lv«> ,li\, wil! als«i Ih* :» f:\n<Uihtr for t!n k si>n:»t«\ «tH*OTīthi«* lo liis mv!i HiUHMUiOi'TI>Mln:H S:ik:ikih:U-, Ims l!Ot \Vt Sl;lti\l \\ili>t!u'l ln> w ī!! Im- u t'un»liil:U«' f«»v t?u 4 V«imto u> th< i h«»u-v. TlH , r»' !s u «*urivnl nim«»r tli;it lu v nuu *l«fi(lt> «hhl ;ius 'ol■ wiili Kvim 4 sl A.K. Akiim

!ur *m,v-ior\ luun."* uuui»ist Si-|.:«to«>" w 11. u:l! :»:><! .luu.,--('un«i»M«\ Aki: u wu- < \p. . t».! h( H >;il ts l'i:t,y f >.\ !»--• 11 i« I. !- iu t>> >h«<w u|». ruu>vllim•(>i !\ k»»o\v> >,t fo! I . '.'luil' wln'lin l li' wil* i * »n>ti.!u!i m not. lt i* tinii"t«'>l t!u»? Akii u \\ :»nt> to i «.ii! \-> »tll th<- j»»»Vjm»m «»f MH \ hx ,it ; oi: 1"! hi> iAj>til N}.»Si fl'osn t , « .>« l»ut* it» UU'v t), 1 >..n»nun« t tlVUMli> l U!lsJ '« lK: td tat, a U nou»Ht-i I«^t v.»« k th«it h« w»ii srk tvtl« ■<)>'!■ Ht li«s li, M

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