Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 16, 26 August 1936 — DELEGATE KING VISITS BIG ISLE [ARTICLE]


Guest Of Honor At 'Big Banquct Here Saturday Eveulng. Delegate Samuel WilJer King who is on a visit to the Big Island was tho guest of honor at a ban<|uet at līilo hotel Saturdaj night sponsorcd by ~the Hilo Chamber of Coinnierce, during whieh he told of his activities as the representative of the Territory of Hawaii at Washington. The Jelegate told his audienee of his efforts to cot>perate with the territorial government and various counties, he told of the mechanism of the natiojual legislature confusing to the newcomer, h€ pointed to his work on, various eongi , essional committees, all of whieh deal with matters of vital int-ei-est, he stressed the duties of Hawaii's delegate as he int<?rprets them, he recounted amusing experienees in his capacity of per sonal attorney and advocate for the Hawaiian folks on the mainland, he stressed the \fact strict watchfulness is neccssary to prevent legislation discriminatory to Hawaii, an.d he concluded h»g talk with an eloquent statehood plea. ■ Nihi Aumoi 1 troupe of Haw&ii&i siugers and dancei*s furnished a progam of enteruiiument during the dinner an J as the group sat down to tbc lahle a member oi' the troup t > preen>.ntvd Mr. aiid hls scn Samuel, who is aeeonipan;, ing his father arouiid the islar with a beautii'ui red rose lei. ln Bpe&k):ig of Hawaii s propects for secunng statehtKxl l>elegate Jving oatlined four reajK>iis m its iavoras follows; First—W hen Hawaii surrendered its sovereignty to become a territor.v of the United it wifeh the tiiought that eventUfdly Hawali wouid Ikvouio a ssate, othervvise she might have faad her eake ajgd eateu |it too» as Oulia and thu Phillipines. the only possible oi guaryuitee ing ;fiawaii the wonoiuie eud poliūeml sfaltns she deSiH ve<, I rvl - -vj would graai motv adcquAte in I se'.; iro\erumen4 | £jm U'rritoriai aduiisutratioa is |t*ot now thv c\|m xsion of po» ( pui*r seuutnv«t of ihe people of nawau inn ut the ra"in£ \mer- * iui siate(K>od I**!* have <xsmpk>te hou*e L „ «i«alitkmtiou [fer statohixvl, and aU thc prv»l»W«i# ihii eiotuHH-tkm WM be