Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 18, 2 September 1936 — EUROPE FEARS NEW WAR THREAT [ARTICLE]


Srt»whtxly in London hearJ a vok*s on t Ik' air. The London l>aily Maīl insist3 it \\as the voice or Josoi>h Stulitu dictator Tliis in the faw of Moseow*s defihds. Tlw vouv was a vo!oe of waminp, a s«>rt ©f voiv-o that told t!n? am\) to proparo tor \xur, a \okv th*t had rftewenM thc om-nvf kmw hN |*la«s was ttwrefore tH»rthii£ hi< to g«?t md> * "to la\ tiow n y»Hir Hves in def«nse of >oCr proteuriaH birth Und " Tl:is is }ust ono ?nstam»e tii*t shows tlK* wmxisju\ss ivrvadlri3 Etirojk 4 , slarth>i; with ttw Sp«niisn Mieitk>n aml grvmh*g ulion G«r t«aUV sOOKHUHt\i pUns to i!K"M^U$e lwr am\y to l.Wi\OOP nit?n. But a«r* whis as Euroj»e t*\ » v\>ke ow uie »ir uoi a vvr\ subuntui nsfc}<>n ior & »*r soar«-