Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 20, 16 September 1936 — PLANTATIONS TO BETTER CONDITIONS [ARTICLE]


Five Hawaiian sugar >>lantat:ons for wh eh Theo. H. D&vies & Co. is 'agent ar« spending $128 72u this year o t a co-ordi-nat.v d progra m designed to inv prove Uv.' iivmg social and re creat:on<d i'- e lit ; es of approxim.;te y 3 5 o ernpicyes, according to >ep<> t fn>n> lionolulu. This arno.unt has either already baen Bpe r t or >s autbofized and aup.r-)pr aUd for us3 this ygar. The f vi ,p!.antations incl'jded in be tr. gr.in, ate iccated at Paauio, OiK-aia, Papaalea, KoUa!&, a«d Hiio, ail oa the. Big Isl&nd.

Provid rsg furtfeer • ev.dehce thāt the w.e fare of eqnploy€S on ilwwaiian sugar plar,tations i.s r.c/iv ■ g first onsideration, the pVogra(n fur the l>avies plaota-t,or-s iflcludss the erect on *i new e tcages, commun : ty a mot On picture theater, a hos ■ P'tal, the raodtfrnizat : on of ēxist»og oamps ar)d'c3ttages, i'npnwe mpnt of domest e water syst3ms nd the building of ?iayinfe gamnds. athlttic f eU«s and new roads to fic 1 tate £ccess to and from dwellings.

During 1035 metnbers of the Oawaiian Sugdr Pianters' Associat wn so nt $1,287,784 75 bu ldtng new*,iiottPges and modern z''ng otheis for sugir industry employes.

Tbe nearly half a m ; llioa dolars being expended thīs year by ptant ticns represented by Theo H. Davks & Co. indicates th s progr&m to raise the standaxds of plantations employes is not only bsing canr«d out but en iarged upon.

Tt»e W-iakea Mill Co of H 10, hps this year $0J - 300 for 25 new cottages. improve ments to ho t nes a ready in usej improve 4 nents to the water supply sysiem ar,d the purchase ot land ior the puroose of acqulnng Bitss for the erec ūon of moelel heme gioaps of suff e ent s ? ze U sup®trt almost all forms of com« maQity sociai aod recreatii>nal i»fe. Tlie I,a«pahoehoe Sugar Co . is erecting a new and coafcfleteiy «qqipped hosp'tal eon Uininsr X-Bay and equip«e»t, private ro.>n'S nnd wards for2s bed* ard h ghest standard mode o medicai facmt es for small hoapiuila.

A new v li«gfe is being b vōt at Kapeho Bdjacent the govtT-»« ment ra&d This »sB*ir«3 m ploy«s who w»U l.ve in the pew wlUgw e#sy tnd transpor {aiion, eootr»sted ith th»t for na«rr oamp w&s bu lt soa>e diatance m«uka ft«m thti

L*ttpahot?hoe is soendUg a total of $9*575 upon m i se na»! Kber »(iiprovements th-s yeat. l!»e K«miki O<J < uHal» <n» ihe hst by a t«ioriog* oxpoiutitui\« of »or v3tvtiu£ U»o ean»lo,\vx A m»ikm i«oiaiv Uu au i juul ūvk\ aiv iaehulou iu ilu»n«l a 6i»o fvj«fc vu U vsa> , V*n uUj£ t<» n'Hell Ull ;ivK'«jUHfe. >Ui»ly 01 i»un» \suu r. Tswut,v twn coit*ir.ef a su>\v »M o3H»£v wIU W -inrUHl it oncv« thv *it» > foi tUi» »rou|> h»vtug Uhui |»-n\ lum J ,Htu s of Au^u>{ t ni»n MiH t\». K hak. .wn }it(ihor»&oU |hv v\j*sUt»H> Junng th* ! ī'«rM>i >*-i» M $iv o*• nwuti,\ f v n tln <sf «'M'. M... % «j >-i*, ihl a;x' l .^v-

itiv\v\L!W *;»' ' s*iuut4*r v >tc» Hiuh tiu h*^ ir »vt C4m**> ur,M %hv 4T*'Ht rv ' k hV: -u h »t< - -* * vh."h «i!* < V i,. .t.-\«k>t» f*» h » JIM t «Hilie» nnhmli^ ; u>u«»o « . <*a4> i.*l" 5 llV**1 IV** H