Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 22, 30 September 1936 — OUTLINE CAMPAIGN OF MR ROOSEVELT [ARTICLE]


A tentative itinorary skipi)ing tho Paoil'ie Coast, o*"icontniting on east>rn, 'mi*lillo westeni aiul Rook.v i|ionnt;iin ai'oa 1 - and hini away from„ tho White House novor nioro than five days" a<" a timo lay b«.;foro Prosident Roosovolt last wook Following a conl'eretice with his I)oinocratic general stall" on ?oaiul«iign strategy. it appearo<l likol.N' ! thic president woulU spoal\ in l)onvej', Omaha, Cliicaffo, Xow York an<l some city in Xew England. H.e also tentatively api>roveil ,' k no poliiieal" api>oarancos in Cin_ cinj>ati and Cleveland. The itinerary aj>parentl.y represented a compromiso sinco eammanagors wanto<l tho dent jto tour almost tho onth o!

countr.s\ as lie did triuuii>hautl.v as candidate in 193:2, befcu-e ihe end of October. President Roosevelt howevor has ehosen to remain eloso to Washing-ton due to naiional und intcrnational ail'aii'S of import and henee must forego a campaign j swinir to tho fur west, whieh \vas' mstrumont«l in building upthe' voto landslide that carried him īn-' t*> office four years ago. j :x:—■**»*' !