Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 23, 7 October 1936 — Fire Prevention Week Is Observed [ARTICLE]

Fire Prevention Week Is Observed

Firc Preventjon Week is being ■ofl'icial!y observed in iiilo this week, arul heini; i>dons».'ied by, llie Hilo ('hamhei- of Oimmea-e.

Posters announcing the eve)tt \vere dislributee in the ioeal sehoo."s and downt<j\\u stores during la.st week. A,poster and essay'-onteit is beiug eonduvted iti the sehools tbLs week on the subject of fire prcven tiun. St.iide«ts wili given until tiie mkkile oi' tiext week for the final win take plaee.

Tho wook officialli* inaugunrto(l cn Vomlay night svith a broa<!cast ovcr KHBC at T:3o t with H. Scruton, oxecutiv« si'crctui;v of the ohaniber of comiuorco in charge. Among the spcakers were county ehaiiman Samuc! M. Sj>encer, Carl E. Hanehaimmn of tho fire prevention committoo, rs. Charles Bi'ckus, |)rosiUeni of the Hiio A'omen's Club, and Fire Chief Jcbnson Kahiii. Tno !> frciu the fire statiOn entertaiiuvl \vith severa! 4i fire v The elean-ap campaign for the citj began ,ve>ter<lay. The. ehamber is being assisted in the driv« by the count,y, tho boaixl Ho«lth and tho WP , undci the direction of the county health officer Jos3i>h S. Caceras, coant.v truck dri ven b t v Wl\i men will cellect a'i the okl botties and other rubbish t"jvui i>eoples heme until Friday ailomoeu.