Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 24, 14 October 1936 — Elks' Circus To Open Here Today [ARTICLE]

Elks' Circus To Open Here Today

Tho Elks'' Ci will opon a.t the Davios lut, Kiini"lumu i ha *von'iiP; ninl will rui iintil Oft. 21 uu<l lon<rer. As it is to<> ii cirfiis this year to be'laken uroun<) the isla?ul it will bc shown in Hilo on!y. Tnovo aL'o over 11>1 > i>e<>i>lc ami 10 an.imals in tho troui>< 1 .

The circiiß ac-ts in<'liulo traino<l lioiis, boars, oloi»h:ints, horscs an<l nniles. A worl<l fa-l .mous troui>c of Jai>anoso. aoriaartist are a attra<*tion, as a numbor oi' otbor sturtiii<jf aots.

In tho skk' sho\vs Mr Kenmn(lez has a con»i>lete new linO līp, for th« New York Rovih/, a coloiv(.l sho\\\ Pare<levil Si>ihml t v m' new Kii>ley attvaclion and he lia* aikknl a now riile tho Loop-a-Plane, whieh is sai»i to Ih> a thri)lor

In a<Mition to the usoal rules, Mr. Fornanikv. is bringin& ovor eight Shetlaiul iwjnies for the ehikh-en to rule arovaul the cireu< grounds, thus giving- many a kiildie a ehanee to aehieve a life-long aiubition, to rkle a horse.

The Elks are also givirig :i\vay free, a new Chevrolet automol)ile.

The Elks* profit from the eircus will go "towanls . the milk filncl.

T!iēTEllyir3lilk Fu ml was iaa<le possible by the loea! lojgo s\>onsoring tlie annual E K. #Fernandez circus to Ililo, aiul in or<ler to be able to coutinue the gocn] wouk the kKlge i.s again si)onsoring this .yearVs cireus, ~ Yernan Uez notified the Elks Bometime ago that he ha<l seeured the famous G. W. Christy three - ring circus, whieh has just arrived from the Maui Fair