Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 27, 4 November 1936 — French Premier Says No Big War [ARTICLE]

French Premier Says No Big War

Pivsi>ior Leon liium of Fra«ce h(- L'iti;uaLfil tlut tUe danyer of Uie Sp.i!ii>U rivii \var spreadi(ig into a g='noral Kui-upoaa. \vur defluiteiv i> j -.>v'd. Tlr> Fre!icli premīer, intervi;i\Yed in ]}is enonuou» pdvate ottioe at Mati>rnon pala-.-e, said tliat xegardle3s JIL interitiou_._of...Tegainirig ■.m»s and imuiitkins trafUc īvitii 31adri(!. im \va>. _c<uivin.ced contiaental pōwers \vito inteiit oa preveuting Uie SpanNh or ;uiy oUier ciasli of politicai i;iTfrests frum deYelopiijg iiitu a £uropean war whk'U iujglit po&iibij prove fatal to dvilizatioa. "TJk> real danger of Uie spread of \varfaro lKnoad S£anish froutlerv is past, t !i,\ulv> U) Praaco-Brilbili eooP"rati<m " thē premier said, referriag to observation the t\vo eoiuutries of tbe non-»iter\entlon agreemeuts, Rhim stressed foreeful3y FraiiL-e's desire to avert anotUer war. In a dis<'ussion of foreign Hlum emphasized that Franee never attenipted tv> ii*>!ate Ge.rmanj and doe> .not seek eseluiive Eu ropean at!ianci\s. "As far as relatioas witli Genuany a<c c*oiK¥riu\l, iie saki, "l ea.ii rejh.Mt that 1 r;uuv read,v t engage m anv eonver>atu>ns ixnitributing to th<> '-.v?ier;il >olution oi European problenis." '