Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 30, 25 November 1936 — Large Funeral For Officer Oili [ARTICLE]

Large Funeral For Officer Oili

j Funeral sorWces for Poliee i OfFicer YVj]]iam (R, d) Oi'i who lo ; .t 9 his Jifc h_v drowning' carl.v i Thai] s(iay mornin£ in ihe w;ilcr.s oi' Iliio h;irbwr wliilu .i)rcsuniiibl,v •af tt*mj>ting to s:ivc the livc3 of two !i <>■« wlio lnnl iallen from thc \vhiirf, ,was hrH Sntiir(iHy :iftcrnoon frōin t!ic Elniorc inortuary, (li"d in line of (!uty, Ofl'iccr Oili w;is buricd with i'ull militury honors, in"!u(]ing firing squa<l !vn(i cscort, the Amcrican of whieh he w;is a mem bcr, and mcinbers of the Y\VCA Hawai'an (Tirl's Club. Theserviec were conducted .jointly hy thc L'<tt 'r i) iy Sninls eim rch and the Anien'eun Le^ion Harokl J. \Varncr was. ehaplain l'or the Legi<m services, w.hile the church servicos were conductetl by Llder \an L. Hixon, W. Francis Railey or Honolulu, President f>l tlic LI)S H-iwaiian mission tr>ive the eulo£y. The LDS choir and members of the Hatvaii:m Gi l's clūb sang atj both the inortiiary and the side. OfFicer Oili w;is miisic ihtructo.r to tho. .giiTs elub. Thcre was a profusion of flowers, Thc pali bearers, ail rankmg officers of thc patrol division were Capt, \\'i!iiain «T. Martin, Lt. William Kualii, Lt. Kobert Naeole, Lt. Jamos Kekela and Sjrt. AVillnim F. Roy A jsopuiar j)oiico oil'icer and a World war veteran. Offieer Oili had bcen with the t poliee dcpart- , mcnt since, March 18, 19H3, when Ihe rejoined the force. Prior~ to' j that datd he had also scon polieo ]Bervice under shoriff Sam Pua. | Otficer Oili was born December i 15, in Honolulu. He is jsurvived by the widow. Mi>\ j Leialoiia Kahalewale Oili. Five | childrcn, the oldest 10 and tho yo«ngcs{ years. Sonny, Meh»3 Naihe, Richard and Loialoha, and by one daughtor, Kaulumala by a Jpreviouj? marriage.